
Can i have sex while i have chicken pox? my partner already had chicken pox...?

Can i have sex while i have chicken pox? my partner already had chicken pox...?my partner already had chicken pox.. and i have the chicken pox disease right now can we still have sex intercourse?? Will i still infect her with the disease??

Answer by Michael
Make sure and pass the pox around, be sure it's not herpes that shit will kill you

Answer by Jožo
Sure. At your age, you're likely to die from it, so you might as well have a bit of fun before the big day.

Answer by Darrick
If she has already had the disease in her system then no because her body is now immune to it.
So yes you can still have sex

Answer by ws_422
Getting the Chicken Pox more than once is very uncommon. There have been cases where it has happened that a person who had them once got them again but it isn't called the Chicken Pox. It would be called Shingles or, Herpes Zoster. If you are feeling up to it you can have sex but you may want to make sure that you don't have any open or leaking lesions because if they are then it can be more transferable especially, if they are in your mouth. As long as most of the lesions are dried up and scabbed over you should be alright.

Answer by packin1
you feel like having sex with chicken pox. wow i was miserably

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).
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Orignal From: Can i have sex while i have chicken pox? my partner already had chicken pox...?

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