
HELP! Visited Emergency; No health insurance. What to do now?

HELP! Visited Emergency; No health insurance. What to do now?Hi Everybody,

I am in international student enrolled in a college in DFW area, Texas. Yesterday, I suddenly got rashes all over my body with fever and back pain. So, I had to visit Emergency at UT SOUTHWESTERN for about 4 hours. After lab tests, the doctor diagnosed my condition as Chicken Pox.

Now, I am taking rest for 7 days, but I am very worried about the bills the hospital/doctor/lab will send. They have not spoken a word about the expenses yet, but they will surely send me bills since I did not have health insurance. I was planning to buy insurance but I got this illness before I purchased it.

I heard that there are a few agencies/donors which are always willing to cover such medical expenses. But I do not know how to contact them.

I would be grateful, if you could share ideas and information you have.
Thank you.

Answer by T
Pay the freaking bill. You knew you needed private insurance, but did not do it, so suck it up. Sorry, honestly hurts. It is your fault for not doing buying it. It is not health cares fault.

Answer by Fio
I had the same problem a month ago. Don't worry!
wait till you get the bill from the hospital, then call them back and tell them that you are an international student (if u are working tell them that u dont earn enough to afford the bill) if u are not allowed to work, tell them that as well. The hospital has many social workers that will help you. If they refuse to cancel the bill for you, dont panic!! just ask them to pay in parts, they will understand.They can give you paying facilities.
I was in the hospital last month in NC and didn't have to pay Anything. So there is always a solucion! =)

Answer by Bob T
Don't pay them.

Answer by Felicia X
Health insurance can be very tricky. Since I live in Mississippi I'm not familiar with the Texas laws and regulations, so I recommend you contact a nearby insurance agent. http://www.goodinternetdeals.com/Health-Insurance.html They will be able to assist you.

What do you think? Answer below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: HELP! Visited Emergency; No health insurance. What to do now?

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