
Should I give my newborn the Hep B vaccine? Which vaccines do you give?

Should I give my newborn the Hep B vaccine? Which vaccines do you give?I am just so torn on vaccines it's not even funny.. it's the hardest parenting decision I have ever made! With that being said I think it is important to vaccinate against the harmful diseases like polio etc.. but I am trying to cut out as much as I can of the unimportant.. like chicken pox.. I also feel the Hep B is among the not so important.. however my best friends husband has Hep B.. There is no risk of her husband really being around my child but there is of my friend.. She is vaccinated and doesn't carry the disease but I am just worried like if she kisses him then comes and kisses my baby could the baby get it? How exactly is Hep B transferred? Body fluids? Large amounts like Aids or just drinking after someone? I'm so confused about all of this I hate it!!! I have a 20 month old and was thinking he was autistic.. I now know he isn't but the scared really made me start thinking about everything and now I am so torn on it all.. Also it is really easy to say well I would rather my son to have Autism then to contracted a disease.. but when your actually faced with the possibilities you think differently. He has yet to get his MMR because I am terrified of it.. but he has had all of his shots up to 12 months.. I have read to wait on the MMR until after 2? What is your thoughts.. To people who are going to answer vaccines don't cause Autism that is your opinion.. I have done my research and I am certainly not convinced either way. Should I vaccinate my up coming newborn with the Hep B since my best friend's husband has Hep B? What are the chances the baby could get it? I don't know what to do and I'm not looking for criticism.. Anyone else feel this is a really hard decision in parenting?
Your right I am mis informed! I try to do my research but I don't understand a lot of the big words.. etc if someone could give it all to me in English that would be GREAT!

Answer by Haruhi
Hep B is not so easily contracted. Unless your baby will be needle sharing or having sex(which, I am assuming, is a no), then your baby is really not at risk. Your friend kissing your baby is not an issue, that will not transfer it.

Autism, though it gets the most media time, is not the only concern when it comes to vaccinations. With the toxic ingredients comes many different reactions, one of which is death.

The best thing you can do is research each individual vaccination and decide if you want that given to your child. Research the vaccine, the ingredients, the possible reactions and rates of reactions, the disease, possible complications and rates of complications. And remember that it is not an all or nothing deal. You can delay them as long as you wish, pick and choose which ones you would like, and not give any at all, if you decide. Remember that while you can always go back later and get them, if you decide, you cannot take back what has already been given.

My personal take: We do not do any vaccinations at all. In a nutshell, I believe the risks of my children suffering a reaction to the vaccinations are much greater than the risk of them contracting a disease and suffering complications to it. Many of these diseases are complication free in healthy immune system. Polio is 95% asymptomatic, and less than 1% of those cases end in paralysis.
I also greatly disagree with injecting my children with, what I view are, toxins. Mercury isn't my only concern, and some vaccines still do contain mercury in trace amounts and are still allowed to be called "mercury free". Aluminum, formaldehyde, and antibiotics are only a few of the vaccine ingredients I am concerned about.
And I have extreme issues with the level of their testing, as all vaccinations are not tested for carcinogenic or mutagenic properties, or effects on fertility.
Oh, and I should add that my decision has absolutely nothing to do with the Autism theory whatsoever. I made my decision before I even heard about it, and am not convinced on the link completely myself.

And your children do no have to have shots to get into public school/daycare. No vaccine is mandatory, you do not have to give them to your child. My 3 children do not have any. All states offer some sort of exemption for school and daycare, you just need to know how to get them.

Answer by Mason Tyler born 9/9/09!!!
I honestly think you need to do a little more research... it makes absolutely no sense why a non-vaxing or selective vaxing mom would get the polio vaccine being that polio is a dead virus. It's even more useless than chicken pox.. at least chicken pox are still around!

I don't think it's that hard of a decision whether to vaccinate or not. I'm getting my son vaccinated on time, everytime... However, I will not allow him to get a multivaccine... all of his vaccines are separate. It's far more unlikely that something will happen to him as a result of a vaccine than it is that he will actually contract a dangerous or deadly illness or disease from not getting it... Getting vaccinated is the SMART thing to do. They are there for a reason. And I really don't want my son hanging around other kids who have not been vaccinated... I know a friend of a friend who's newborn baby (who was not old enough for her vaccines yet but whose mother planned on getting them) actually died because she contracted an illness from an older child who had not been vaccinated.

It just sounds to me like you're still a little misinformed.

Answer by B
My daughter was vaccinated for Hepatitis B within a day of being born. I feel that vaccines are a necessary part of life, and I will do anything possible to protect my daughter from life-threatening illnesses.

Answer by Linda R
You can't give newborns vaccinations until the doctor says you can...during this time, don't let anyone else hold the newborn. The doctor knows exactly the ages at which an infant can begin getting vaccinations.

Answer by SweetElf Is Being Nice Today
For the love of all that is good and great in this world, just get your kid ALL the vaccines required...

If your friend had small pox, which you would be able see, would you expose your infant to that? Why would you consider exposing a newborn to Hep B?

I understand your fears, but the fact of the matter is that the diseases worse than the cure.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: Should I give my newborn the Hep B vaccine? Which vaccines do you give?

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