
went to parent teacher conferences and this is what was said?

went to parent teacher conferences and this is what was said?My son started school late due to the very first week of september he got the chickenpox then a family member died shortly after he was all done with the chickenpox after all this I enrolled my son at parent teacher conferences she told me that my son is very smart that he only participates in what he thinks he wants to. How ever I have mentioned to her when you are saying ABC's he told me that you guys say them super fast and he can't hear what is coming out of each persons mouth that maybe if they slowed down a little he would get it however he knows all of the ABC's but I need to work on the sounding of each letter with my son also when he is singing in class there are days he will and will not participate in music class how would I get my son to participate in each activity that the teacher assigns to the students my son is very stubborn and I know he can do this.Has anyone ever expensed this with their child if so what did you do?

Answer by Diamond-Raven
As a side note, please, please, please add more punctuation in the future. I nearly got whiplash reading this and felt completely out of breath by the end. Periods and commas are our friends. *grins*

Have you asked your son why he doesn't like to participate? Maybe he doesn't like some of the kids in his class or he has a problem with the teacher. Ask the teacher if he/she has been encouraging your son to participate and what his reactions were when he/she did encourage him. Your son is probably not old enough to understand why he needs to participate in things he doesn't want to do, but a little incentive may be called for. Maybe tell him he'll get a sticker everyday that he participates in class properly and if he has a certain number of stickers by the end of the month, he gets some sort of treat (it doesn't have to be something edible).

In my experience, children who don't like to participate in such activities have some external force preventing them from participating (unless they're very, very shy). No child that age doesn't like to sing songs. They either have a problem with the kids around them or their instructor. Part of the problem may be his late start - the kids made friends while he wasn't there and maybe he's having a tough time making friends. Talk to your son and also the teacher and get more information about what may be preventing his participation. Then try to find solutions together (you, the teacher and your son). If he knows that you and the teacher both want him to participate and have fun, he may feel more inclined to be a part of all class activities.

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Orignal From: went to parent teacher conferences and this is what was said?

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