
1 Year Old Had Shots... Reactions?

1 Year Old Had Shots... Reactions?Our son got his 1 year old shots Monday the 19th. He got his MMR and Chicken Pox and PCv7 I think it was titled (he has been getting it since birth). Since then, he has had diarrhea (6-7 diapers of this a day), and a fever over 100 degrees everyday. We called his doctor the day after, and they said it was normal and to keep him hydrated. They said they didn't want to see him unless his temperature was above 103 degrees. It hasn't been yet. I called them this morning (3 days after his shots) because he is not getting any better. He barely wants to wake up and he hasn't eaten much, except for yesterday when he had a few carrots. He drinks when he feels like it. His diarrhea diapers have decreased, but he is not himself. He is more like a rag doll. He slumps and feels weak when he sits in our laps. When I called this morning I told the doctor this same stuff, and they said it's normal still. It doesn't sound, look, or feel normal to me. Am I just a worry wart? He isn't even interested in his favorite toy or blanket, barely eats, and still has his fever. We have been giving him Tylenol, but it isn't doing much for him. Should I try another doctor for another opinion? Has any of this happened to you? How long did your child's reactions to shots last?

Answer by Teeny Beeny
Well it does sound normal, but you know your son-If something seems wrong, take him to urgent care/ER. I have recently learned that it is better to overreact and take your baby to the doctor when you feel something is wrong, then to put it off and let the problem get worse. Your son may be sick from something unrelated to the shots, so you should take him in.

Answer by m.mouse
Yeah, that's what happened to my little sister. After her shots, she had constant fever and didn't want to eat but she never got diarrhea. Maybe your child seems nauseous. Did you tell the doctor about that?

Answer by Just Call Me Jenn
My son also had those 3 shots on Tuesday at his 1 yr. well check and he has had no symptoms like you have mentioned. He ran a low grade fever all day Tuesday but by yesterday his temp. had returned to normal. I would take my son to his ped. and demand they look at him b/c something is not right. Possibly he just has the flu or he could be having a bad reaction to one of the vaccines, either way his ped. needs to see him.

Answer by Karen
You should have read or still read books about immunizations shots.

The book indicates side effects to children, etc. You have a choice either to immunize your child or NOT.

You always have a choice!

Answer by ~Mrs. Ferrari~
He is obviously not okay. The lethargy alone is alarming!! Do NOT get any more shots in the near future (I'd advise none anymore ever), and take him to a dr who will actually help him out, not one who refuses to acknowledge the dangerous side effects vaccines have sometimes.

Good luck to you; my heart is breaking for you guys!!
**You do not have to vaccinate in the future if you do not want to, no matter what some may tell you. In fact, this sounds like a medical reason NOT to, which will give you a waiver in every single state in the US.

Give your answer to this question below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: 1 Year Old Had Shots... Reactions?

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