
22 with chicken pox... but i had them when i was 2?

22 with chicken pox... but i had them when i was 2?Im so confused! i went to my dr yesterday because i had a very sore throat and i was scared it was going to turn into meningitis again (im paranoid because i got it 5 weeks ago and only recovered 2 weeks ago) well he goes my throat is very swallen and red but he thinks it viral again and i said i have also got a rash all over my arms chest and back that i noticed about an hr ago and its so itchy he goes you have the chicken pox. I was stunned! i told him i had them when i was 2 and that i thought adult chicken pox came out as shingles he said no and that when i was little i must have only had a small dose of the virus. Just wondering how long do they usually last? and how long am i contageous for? i have uni exams in a week!!

Answer by perfectlybaked
Maybe you have shingles.

I had the pox when I was like 3, and again when I was 12.

Answer by cathyak_2000
Like the doctor said, sometimes you can get it more than once. Your normally contagious untill your sores are dried up.

Give your answer to this question below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: 22 with chicken pox... but i had them when i was 2?

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