
my face is looking ugly because of chickenpox spots. how to get rid of this spots?

my face is looking ugly because of chickenpox spots. how to get rid of this spots?

Answer by pasha39571
I am sorry you have chicken pox, not nice, and damn annoying. Sadly, there is nothing you can do to get rid of these spots other than allow time to deal with it. After about a week, once they had scabbed, they will begin to dry and fall off. You can treat the itchiness with calamine lotion.

The worse thing you can do however, is to pick at the scabs in the hope of removing them. This will make matters far worse and will actually cause scarring.

Leave them alone and these will eventually fall off and heal by themselves.

Answer by Hannah T
Chickenpox is a highly contagious illness that is common in children. It causes an itching skin rash with blisters. The disease is caused by the varicella-zoster virus and usually runs its course without problems

Chicken Pox Treatment - Preventing Scratching
Scratching increases the risk of secondary bacterial infections. All patients with chicken pox should have their nails trimmed short. In addition, small children may have to wear mittens to reduce scratching.
Chicken Pox Treatment with Lotions
The most common lotion used for chicken pox is Calamine lotion. This or any similar over-the-counter preparation can be applied to the blisters to help dry them out and soothe the skin.
Or just leave them and they will heal on there own!

I hope i helped you out!!!

Answer by sanj
leave them alone don't touch them or they leave scares put calamine lotion on them and chill out they will be gone in a few days you will just have to stay home till then .

Answer by Dr. Muhammad Khawar Nazir
dont worry about these spots. dont try to manipulate them. just leave them . they will leave your skin very soon spontaniously. if you will manipulate then it may lead to scarring....

Give your answer to this question below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: my face is looking ugly because of chickenpox spots. how to get rid of this spots?

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