
Can 18 month old get sick from vaccination?

Can 18 month old get sick from vaccination?i had my daughter immunised on Friday for chickenpox and she was fine, then she had her afternoon sleep and woke up really irritable and grumpy. I figured it was just a side effect or something... But all weekend she has been the same, very grumpy and irritable and it is just not like her she is normally so happy... Also yesterday she started getting a bit of a runny nose, she has no fever or any other symptons... is it likely she might be getting chickenpox? If so how would i know?

Answer by eri
Vaccination side effects are extremely rare. Chances are good she's simply 'grumpy' because she had to get a shot. You cannot come down with chickenpox from getting the vaccine - it's not a live form.

Answer by Pedsgurl
The chicken pox vaccine is a live virus vaccine, meaning it does contain a bit of weakend live Varicella . It isn't enough to cause an out break in most children but on rare occassion it can.

Having said that, your child's behavior sounds like normal vaccine reaction. It's very common for kids to be grouchy and irritable for a few days after a vaccine.

Chicken pox looks like little raised bumps. They start out pus-filled and then get kinda scaley and then they scab over and go away. In chicken pox, you'll see all stages at once since the bumps all start at different times.

I hope this helps!

Answer by blah

Answer by Musicalmama
I'm probably going to get a lot of thumbs down for this, but I strongly suggest you do some research online about vaccines. We do not vaccinate our children, simply because there are loads of horrible things in the vaccinations. Did you know there is anti freeze, aluminum, monkey kidney, and others in them? Granted, they are teeny tiny amounts, and mostly used for preservatives, but still. I'd rather not be injecting my children with chemicals if I can help it. Also, by the time they reach school age, they are required to be current on all their shots, however, I don't have to worry about that since we homeschool. :)

P.S Oh, I said all that to say yes, it's definitely a possibility that your daughter is sick from the shot.

Answer by Lisa
I wanted to correct something Musicalmama wrote. Children are NOT required to be vaccinated for school. Here is the exemption information for every state.

And for Canada:

It is possible to get chickenpox from the vaccine because it is a live virus vaccine.

You can read the chickenpox vaccine package insert here:


What do you think? Answer below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: Can 18 month old get sick from vaccination?

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