
chicken pox urgent!!!?

chicken pox urgent!!!?ok, here's a short story.... uhmm i had a chickenpox 2 weeks ago.. now, my scabs are starting to fall off... the problem is that i transmitted the virus to my dad.. he didn't told us that he hasn't had a chicken pox because he's the one caring for me... now he's chilling and having those blisters that darn irritates me (those devil blisters)...

now, here's my question.. is it possible for me to have a chicken pox again? cause I'm now itching after touching him,,, it's so itchy all over my body.. and i seem to have this one tiny red spot on my arm...when will the virus immunity starts?

help!!! :(

Answer by nurseextern
no your body already has the antigens so you are immune..just wash your hands beofre and after touching him to keep you from spreading it to anyone else who hasn't had it.

Answer by bingo
No,once youve had it your body has formed its natural defense,as for your dad having it for the first time i highly recommend he visits a doctor,im not 100% sure but ive heard that 'adult ' chickenpox can be much more serious,please visit a doc just for reassurance. xx

Answer by jasonhptan
No. you can't get the same chicken pox again. However, you have the possibility of getting shingles. Shingles is a complication of chicken pox and is caused by the reactivation of the varicella zoster virus. But this usually happen years later. The reactivation may appear spontaneous (usually in middle-ages or in the elderly) or be due to immunosuppresion (as in patients with malignant diseases or AIDS).

note: chickenpox maybe contracted from a patient with shingles but not the other way around.

Feeling itchy after touching him could be merely psychogenic. Because you see that your dad is having them and of course you are irritated with what those blisters can do, you mind probably sends out an itching signal. You will know that your immune system is strong enough once you start to feel better. However, as a note, the virus will remain dormant after infection. And as mentioned earlier, if you are immunosuppresed later in life, there is a possibility of reactivation which causes shingles.

Hope my answer helps you.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: chicken pox urgent!!!?

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