
chicken pox while pregnant?

chicken pox while pregnant?Hi everyone!!! does anyone know if you can be around someone that has the chickenpox while your pregnant? I have already had them when i was younger, but my cousin's daugther has them, and im always around them. and she was wondering if i could help her take care of her daughter, but im 33 weeks prego and i heard that you can't be around someone that has chickenpox while your pregnant........ anyone know? I'll give the doctor a call tom. to ask, but she was wanting to see if i could come watch her for an hour tonight. Thank you in advance!!!!!!!

Answer by jeslynd
My doctor said it was fine, I was in a similar situation during one of my pregnancys

Answer by samantha kirkwood
The problom with that is that your child could get it so i would just stay away from anyone like that. Until they are better!

Answer by Alicia
If you've had the chicken pox when you were younger you should have some immumity to them. However if contact with someone who does have chicken pox can be avoided then that would be the safest thing. I had blood tests before i got prego to check my immumity to it just in case. Also if your cousins daughter has already got the spots then she is most likely no longer contages, i think the 2 weeks before the spots show up is the time when u are contages and then when the spots come you can no longer shares the diesese with others! lol Anyway calling your doc is the best thing and maybe give 2nite amiss just incase.
Good luck with everything!

Answer by swangirl
Why even take a chance? Even if you've already had chickenpox, the virus stays in your body. Exposing yourself to chickenpox, which is a herpes virus, puts you at risk for shingles.

Answer by Kylie
It shouldnt be a problem since you've already had them. Some people like to take the extra caution though and just stay away.
My sister in law (when she was pregnant with her first) looked after her young cousins with chicken pox with out any problems - she would have least been 30weeks then too.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

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