
Child Vaccines....harmful or helpful?

Child Vaccines....harmful or helpful?My 5 month old baby is going tomorrow to get his 4 month vaccines. He is running a little late. He is scheduled to get the same he got last time which is: HIB, DTAP, Polio, Previnar (Pneumococcal) and Rotateq (Rotavirus). I have read what the CDC recommends and what the CDC reports as "known" or "proven" side affects. I think all are pretty mild except for the the DTAP they can be as severe as permanent brain damage and seizures. That scares the heck out of a parent! I'm just wondering...is this all really necessary? I know there's big talk about Varicella (chicken pox vaccine) causing autism which of course isn't proven and isn't even on the list of side affects. It's just all scary to me. Which of these vaccines have been around longest? I've tried to look online, but can't find how new/old they are. I'm comfortable going with vaccines that I have had or my parents have had, etc, but all this new stuff and these 5-in-ones just scare me...Where can I get more info. about what I should allow and what I shouldn't>>>> From a parent's view, NOT from a doctor's/CDC recommendation. I just want to do what is known/proven to be safe for my baby.

Answer by Alyssa's mommy
The side effects of the dtap vaccine worry you? Look up what happens to a child who get diphtheria or tetanus! Look up the treatments they have to go through and the side effects of that. Look at pictures of a child with diphtheria sores on their skin and think how enjoyable the damage to their nervous system and their heart conditions must be. Read about how death occurs from something as simple as tetanus. Do you know what those vaccines that one pack of pampers buys? Its a tetanus vaccine!

I will vaccinate my children.

Answer by KAS

Be informed - read books on the subject and make the right choice for your child!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).
Do you find what you need? Look here!

Orignal From: Child Vaccines....harmful or helpful?

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