
Face esteem issues?? Can you help me off my feet?

Face esteem issues?? Can you help me off my feet?So I have scaring on my forehead and around my mouth. (Chicken pox/acne) I am only 13, but there are girls in my grade that have never had acne, EVER. They make fun of you if you don't look good or anything along those lines. I get made of for being insecure. I'm always asking if i look ok because i'm scared to be made fun of. I hate it so bad. My skin really isn't that bad but I just dont hate being compared to others. I will give the points to really has thought this through and won't be a jerk about it. I'm not one of those people that is fishing for compliments or whatever.

I have blond hair, olive skin, hazel/green(more green) eyes. But i hate being another blonde. I just don't feel like i stand out or look out of the ordinary.
Yes i wear makeup but not alot.

Answer by Mee.
You look fine, you're just giving in to the other girls that are trying to make themselves feel better.
If it really helps you, you can try Neutrogena Acne Mark Fading Peel, it really helps reduce redness and stuff.
And it might just make you feel better about yourself!

Answer by ♥♥♥
You should definitely try Clinique's three step system kit. It includes a cleanser, toner, and moisturizer, and it really brightens your skin and gets rid of ance/scars. It should totally help your skin. And they have four different sets, each designed for your skin type.

Answer by marena m
I have been suffering with moderate acne and being slightly overweight since I was 17. The only thing I can tell you is to try and think about what you DO like about yourself. The most important thing is recognizing that you don't need other's people approval to feel good about yourself. If you're clearly confident, other people will catch on. I'm sorry you feel that way about yourself, but I do understand. Try looking in the mirror and thinking about things you like about yourself, like your eyes or teeth, or something about your personality that you think is good. It's really about soul searching. It's hard when you're young becaus there's so much pressure to fit in and whatnot, but like I said, and I know it's cliche, but it has to come from you.
If you don't like your hair color, try changing it? Looking and feeling good isn't about standing out, it's about being confident with yourself, like I said. I think you should just take some time to reflect on yourself, remember you're young too, and in the grand scheme of things, those people making you feel like crap don't matter, because one day you won't even have to deal with them. I'm assuming you're in high school, talk to your friends for help, don't ask them if they think you're pretty, but maybe just ask them for advice or something.
Good luck, I hope you feel better!

Answer by ashley
I personally find that giving myself a makeover (clothes, hair or makeup, or all!) tends to make me feel better.

Tired of being a blonde? Change your hair colour, and get a new style along with it!
Used to using only a few colours for your eyes? Try out a few different bold colours and play around with things!

I think that the only way you can stand out is to like yourself.
It may be hard to do, but just ignore their comments. I have acne scarring on my cheeks and constant redness, but that doesn't stop me from going out there pretty much bare faced. As long as you feel confident in yourself and accept what you have to work with, it will be easier to let what others say slide.

Answer by lv20
When girls are that young, they are immature and sometimes mean. One pointer I can give you is that you shouldn't point out your flaws. EVERYONE has flaws, but not everyone points them out. Doing this will make your flaws less noticeable. Also, the only reason that girls are being mean is cuz they have insecurities themselves. Don't let what people say bother you. There is a world beyond junior high and high school and when you get out of school, you'll realize that alot of your insecurities don't really matter as much as you thought they did. Girls can be mean so just ignore it and be you.

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