
How can I treat this, I think its Chicken Pox??

How can I treat this, I think its Chicken Pox??I got it yesterday before taking my shower and I was itchy i a few places but I took no notice to it, then after the shower I was more itchy and then I saw these welt like blotches of red bumps that are either small or some wide. My mom gave me some cream to put on it, I forget what it was and she said it would be gone by morning, she thought it was hives. Now its back and all over me and I'm home at my grandparents house alone and my friend said it might be chicken pox. Ugh, its so ITCHY and I am trying the best to restrain myself from scratching. I can feel the flu coming on as well, how do I treat this? *holds bottle of aloe vera* Should I use Aloe Vera? I checked the bathroom for stuff but its all my grandpas fish oil pills and stuff. When will it go away? I haven't had it before so this is my first time. I obviously can't go to school tomorrow or a good time for this week........waaah it itcheeessss.....lol
Also its really cold to me, *fetches blankets* and oh yeah, here comes that flu.

Answer by feee
ur mom will get something from the doc,BUT u could put hot sauce on it.will burn like s**t then feel better or if scared use rubbing alcohol.google itchy on the net lol

Answer by justagrandma
Take a warm,not hot bath, with a bit of oatmeal in it.
Put calamine lotion on it when you get out.
Don't scratch you can get scars that way.
If its chicken pox it will have a watery blister on it.
It could also be measles or German measles if you haven't had the inoculations, if your temp goes over 101 see a doctor, as you could have pneumonia along with it. Its a one time illness. If you've ever had it before you won't get it again.
Its not serious but it is very contagious.

What do you think? Answer below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

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