
How does it feel like to have chicken pox?

How does it feel like to have chicken pox?Now I am 13 and I never had the chicken pox? I hear it is pretty awful but how awful. Please I want to hear your stories! How bad is it I mean really it seems like only a few ithy places.

Answer by merrybodner
Very, very itchy. Don't scratch or you'll have scars.

Answer by Diane M
Itchy all over. I had them in my hair and even between my fingers and toes. Plus you look really gross

Answer by milepost211
I had chicken pox at age 22.

It starts out as cold symptons. A small fever that breaks in about 24 hrs. Then the fun starts. The pox will appear on the warmest areas of your body, and they will itch.

The pox ends up as a skin rash that goes away in about 7 days.

Other than the itching, its not that bad. More of a nuisance. It'll get you out of school for that week.
The Rat

Answer by Yung TRANE
When you have the chicken pox it is a bad feeling. you itch a lot and find it very difficult not to scratch. If you have it i recommend going to see a doctor. If you want any more information go to your local clinic or hospital and see a specialist or doctor.I had it once when i was 3. i had to go to the emergency because it was so itchy.

Answer by Little J
I got the chicken pox when I was 7 years old and I was away at a boarding school (Private Catholic School) and I wanted to go home so badly ...

I had gotten the cold and then got red spots and itched so bad around my feet ... It spread up to my chest and arms ... It never went to my face ...

I was so upset that I wanted to go home ... So the nuns put me in a turtle neck and long pants and put me on the plane home ... So I was home for 2 weeks ...

What do you think? Answer below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).
Do you find what you need? Look here!

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