
What does it mean to have borderline chicken pox.. Is it still chicken pox? And if so is it still contagious?

What does it mean to have borderline chicken pox.. Is it still chicken pox? And if so is it still contagious?I am pregnant and I just found out my brother, who lives in the same house, has borderline chicken pox. I need to know if this is still chicken pox and am I at risk if I've only had one vaccination?

Answer by PooPooLaTrash
I've never heard of borderline chickenpox. I've heard of borderline immunity from them as determined by a blood titer.

The chickenpox vaccine is relatively new, so no long term time studies regarding length of immunity are available. The studies I've seen have shown immunity 5 or 6 years after immunization and one study done in Japan showed a 10 year immunity. Also, getting the vaccine is not a 100% guarantee of immunity. 15% of immunized children do get chickenpox, but have mild cases.

You should call your doctor and explain the circumstances. Since there are so many variables and possibilities, he/she should be the one to tell you whether or not there is any cause for concern.

Give your answer to this question below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

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