
I haven't eaten nor exercised much lately, what should I do now?

I haven't eaten nor exercised much lately, what should I do now?I'm a 14 (15 on 22. may) years old girl.

I used to work out a lot, at least an hour a day, and ofcourse, I ate like a hungry wolf (healthy ofcourse), but enough of that.
So, a little more than over a month ago, I had chickenpox, so I basically stayed in bed for 2 weeks (I took these tablets to stop the itching and those made me extremely sleepy). I had cold for almost a week before the chickenpox spots started to appear, and I didn't exercise then either (i stretched every morning, but I don't call that much of an exercise).
Now after that, my muscles basically didn't exist anymore. That's pretty logical. So, I started to exercise again after chickenpox, first day I just stretched and did some easy stuff, like went walking and few push-ups. Next day I went jogging, but only 1 kilometre, and did some sit-ups. The third day I had a little rest. On the fourth day, my knees hurted like hell, so I only walked as much as I had to (it was a schoolday), and stretched a little. On the fifth day It didn't hurt so much, so I went swimming. Guess what? Next day I couldn't even get up from the bed, because all my muscles hurt. And so did the next day. And the next.
Because I didn't exercise that much, I didn't need all the energy from the food as usual, so I only had to have 2 meals a day + some snacks (NO JUNK FOOD!). I just weren't hungry.
And now I'm so weak, I can barely do a handstand. I can't eat more, because If I feel too full, I can't move at all (who can?), I stop when I feel like I'm starting to cross the line, and I can't exercise much, because every little movement i make, next day my muscles (or what I have left of them) hurt like hell.
I know more of the human body and how it works, than any person my age should, because I've done lots of research of it, asked proffessionals, etc etc, beacuse I want to become a trainer or a PE teacher in the future, but now, I'm just clueless. I have no idea who I should go to with my problem, or what else I can do.

Answer by Jabroni
Get your ass back on the treadmill or whatever it is. Physical health is key to mental health.

Answer by Catiger
Why not go back to your old routine? Exercise reasonably and eat healthty food.*

Answer by The Naked Troll
Keep at the exercise and eating healthily... It will come back. Muscular atrophy, like you are describing, takes a while to get over. Remember it has taken years to get your body into the shape it was in (whether you were deliberately working at it or not) and it will take a long time to get it back. It shouldn't take as long as it originally did but all you can do is eat right and exercise. If I take a two week break from exercise then it takes me about a week to get back into it and about two months before I am back to my old self.

Give your answer to this question below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: I haven't eaten nor exercised much lately, what should I do now?

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