
if an adult exposed to chicken pox and not had them or the vaccine what is the earliest in number of days for?

if an adult exposed to chicken pox and not had them or the vaccine what is the earliest in number of days for?my son who is disabled was exposed to my grandaughter who had them and it was confirmed she was still in contagious time on thursday night and it is now tuesday and it appears he has the same look of pox she had with the pimples with white heads but only a few of them so far.

Answer by knowssignlanguage
sounds like chicken pox.

Answer by twiggy
looks like hes got them then..but if an adult gets them it will go into shingles...and can be serious...and make you very ill...ask your doctor

Answer by mgnlok
if he was exposed most likely he will contract them also and if you have not had them you will also .they have a incubation period of about 10 days

Answer by F
Probably less than a week. He could get shingles instead of chicken pox if he's an adult...very painful. Get a doctor to check him out.

Answer by dumplingmuffin
if he does have chicken pox,he will not get shingles,chicken pox does not usually have white heads just water blisters that then scabs over

What do you think? Answer below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).
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Orignal From: if an adult exposed to chicken pox and not had them or the vaccine what is the earliest in number of days for?

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