
If I put a band aid over the last two chicken pox bumps, will I still be contagious? or at least less?

If I put a band aid over the last two chicken pox bumps, will I still be contagious? or at least less?I had chicken pox for 7 and a half days now. I'm down to two almost crust bumps. everything is gone or crusted and these are only two on my arm. Can't I just put a band aid over them then go about my day? and is it even all that contagious after all this time?

Answer by betty boop
Chickenpox blisters show up in waves, so after some begin to crust over, a new group of spots may appear. New chickenpox usually stop appearing by the seventh day, though they may stop as early as the third day. It usually takes 10–14 days for all the blisters to be scabbed over and then you are no longer contagious.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).
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Orignal From: If I put a band aid over the last two chicken pox bumps, will I still be contagious? or at least less?

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