
If my niece had chicken pox, will i get it?

If my niece had chicken pox, will i get it?i am a 13 yr old boy, my niece is a 2 1/2 yr old girl, they say that 21 days before the rash of chicken pox showing up is when it's contagoius. well i was around her and then found out she had it. and i here that chicken pox can cause sterilazation in men. so i was wondering if i will get it. i don't if i got the vaccine before, but even if i did, they don't always work. and what comes before chicken pox? and if u look at my pic, i'm on tghe left, and my niece on is on the right. that was taken a few months ago tho.

Answer by Rick
I went all through school around kids that caught it and I never did, then at age 23, BAM!! I came down with it.
My symptoms were that I came down with a fever and just felt all around terrible. No appetite, no energy, just BLAH.
It's worse the older you get, but it doesn't always cause men to become sterile. At 13, you're reproductive system is still developing, so I would think you have a less chance of becoming sterile.
I didn't get Chicken Pox until I was 23 and the situation you describe is about the same as how I got it. I didn't become sterile and both of my kids are absolutely healthy.
If you do come down with it, treat it as your doctor tells you to.

Answer by brkn wife
Believe it or not is better for you to get them now than getting them as an adult. ( If you even have them) Lots of people get chicken pox and they are not sterile. Like in any disease there could be some complications, but this does not mean that you will be that odd case. People die out of complications with the flu, diarrhea, ect, ... but how many people do you know? Relax and everything will be alright. And to answer your question about symptoms some people will get fever, headache and body pains at a first sign..

Answer by TweetyBird
Whoah, pal! You're operating under a lot of misconceptions. "They say" & "I hear". What about what you know to be a fact?

Those with chicken pox are contagious 1-2 days before the rash appears, not 21. You're way off about that. The incubation period is from 10-21 days and this means it takes from 10-21 days to go from initial infection to rash.

And I think you mean sterility and again you're way off base. The varicella virus (causes chicken pox) doesn't cause sterility in either males nor females. It's the mumps virus you're talking about and a rare complication of mumps in older boys and in men is orchitis, an inflammation of one or both testicles and it RARELY causes sterility.

I don't understand what you mean by "and what comes before chicken pox?". You've already been vaccinated against chicken pox, right? You never came right out and said one way or the other. If you've been vaccinated, assume you won't get chicken pox.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).
Do you find what you need? Look here!

Orignal From: If my niece had chicken pox, will i get it?

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