
Is there a such thing as an allergic reaction to mosquito bites?

Is there a such thing as an allergic reaction to mosquito bites?My daughter ended up coming home from her grandparents house on Thursday with 18 of so bug bites on her body. Starting Saturday the ones especially on her foot were about the size of half dollars and bright red. She developed a fever of 104. We took her to the ER and they said that she had chicken pox. I dont believe she does. They are starting to go down now after an oatmeal bath and calamine lotion and her fever is finally going down after two whole days. Is there a such thing as allergic reactions to bug bites from mosquitoes? By the way my daughter has had the varicella vaccine.

Answer by Mark
Take Piriton which are allergy tablets from bites

Answer by V
I am allergic to mosquito bites, try some benadryl. Certain mosquitos bites swell up huge and sometimes, i know this is gross, but ooze a little. It usually goes down. I would keep taking any meds the doc has her on though. I never get a fever though. Maybe you should call the doctor again.

Answer by Moxie1313
I have never heard of a fever accompanying mosquito bites, but I do think certain people react to them much more strongly than others. My family and I can all be in one place, we all get bitten by mosquito's. They just get normal bites, while mine grow and become red and tender to the touch, and incredibly itchy. I've always been this way, so I'm just used to it.
Maybe some of the bites weren't mosquito bites, but rather flea bites or spider bites?
I wonder - has your daughter ever been stung by a bee? Does she have any other allergies? I just ask because luckily I have not been stung by a bee yet but I worry about if I do...my reactions to other bites are so severe that I don't know what would happen if I were stung by a bee. SO maybe if she has other allergies you could look into getting an EpiPen.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: Is there a such thing as an allergic reaction to mosquito bites?

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