
Is this anything to worry about?

Is this anything to worry about?I'm a 35y/o male non smoker, I'm getting over chicken pox which have had me laid up for the last 10 days of so. I know there are lots of complications which can arise but thank fully I haven't seen anything relevant to myself.

Since I got up this morning I have had terrible chest pains. The pain is mainly just to the left of centre on my breast plate. The pain can go from comfortable to almost unbearable in seconds and then nothing for an hour or more.
Rightly or wrongly, I had a couple of beers earlier to watch football and the pain seems a bit more regular in the past hour or so.

I think I just need some antacid and the chicken pox is irrelevant regarding the pain. I'm getting stabs maybe every 20 minutes or so now, but apart from that I feel absolutely fine.

I've heard that I should call 999 (I'm in the UK) at the first sign of chest pain. Personally I think I would be laughed at if I called paramedics out. I would also be denying someone who seriously needs medical attention on a busy Saturday night.

Suggested category: Pregnancy & Parenting > Newborn & Baby

Answer by xkathiee
Did you have chicken pox when you were younger? If not, that's probably why you have it now. Or unless it's not chicken pox and it's hives. You should go get a check-up since your getting unusual pain.

Answer by Kat (in reserve)
try the NHS direct, they'll give you advise over the phone, I'll find their number and be back Chris

its 0845 4647

Answer by fg
Hey Friend-
Forget about the chicken pox. I never heard of anyone getting chest pain from chicken pox. Anywhere in the world you go, they tell you to get IMMEDIATE help if you feel chest pains for more than 10 minutes or so.
NOBODY WILL LAUGH AT YOU. A month or so ago my ladyfriend who is 51 years of age felt uncomfortable sensations in her chest. After 8 hours we went went to the ER and they said that she was in full arrhythmia and she could have had a stroke had she not come in when she did. They praised her for having the sense to come in. They were able to sort the problem in about 45 minutes, but said that she might have died if she had stayed home.
Believe me, with the stuff that they see, it takes a hell of a lot to amuse them. If you said that you had an egg-beater stuck up your bum, then they might laugh, but since chest pains could be serious, then NOBODY BUT NOBODY WILL LAUGH. Make sure to tell them at the triage desk that you are in a lot of pain and do not try to minimize anything. I think that you should be seen NOW, NOW, NOW.
PS-- I am writing from Toronto, Ontario.

Answer by Trust me I'm a Doctor ♥
You only need to call 999 if you have "crushing" type chest pains which don't go away or are accompanied by pins and needles and/or shortness of breath. Trust your own instincts, you know if this is serious or not. Take some antacids by all means and see how you go, ring your local GP out of hours centre if you are worried, not 999 that advice is wrong 999 is for dire emergencies. If you can type you don't need an ambulance :)

If the pain resolves with antacids all well and good but even so you are best to have a check up with your GP or Nurse Practitioner (if your surgery has one) next week just to be on the safe side, get your b/p and cholesterol checked if you haven't had it done lately.

You should have stuck with thinking about football not sex lol xx

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).
Do you find what you need? Look here!

Orignal From: Is this anything to worry about?

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