
Cures for Mosquito Bites?!?

Cures for Mosquito Bites?!?Each year I get MANY mosquito bites. This year, I counted as many as I could find (and I didn't re-count any) and the total came to 54! Most of them are on the tops of my feet and they itch like crazy! They're bright red and I know I shouldn't scratch them but it hurts so bad I can't help it. Some even have scabs on them. I wore flip-flops to school the other day and got multiple questions on if I had chicken pox. If anyone knows ANY cures or remedies PLEASE let me know!! It doesn't have to be natural or from home, I am willing to buy something, but please let me know!

Answer by Wicked Lovely
Try Honey, It has a Natural healing property that soothes and restores

Answer by Varvara
whitch hazel and or honey just apply when needed they also have those non itch creams some work some obviously dont
available at the local pharmacy
also make an X through them deep with your nail (the pain of it stops the need to itch)

Give your answer to this question below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

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