
just found out that my little boys have the chicken pox's.?

just found out that my little boys have the chicken pox's.?how long do they last and when are they no longer contagious? I have the calamine lotion. Can anything else help?
my oldest is 23 months and my youngest is 6 months. Doct just said put on the calamine lotion and it will get better.
so would it be ok to take them out or I am stuck in the house for a week or so?

Answer by Bumblebee
About 2 weeks.

They probably have better stuff than the Calamine now though. Itch sprays - I really like a medical spray they carry at Walgreens, its in an aerosol can, with a blue or red top, it is either medicated or not but it numbs itching really well. :( I can't remember the darn name!

Answer by Miss Coffee
I have heard from my sister the Oatmeal Bath from Aveeno is very soothing for chicken pox, she used it when my nephew had them.

Edit: You are stuck in the house for a week or so sorry to say. But it is not worth the risk of infecting others. It can be very dangerous to babies, adults and the elderly as well as those with compromised immune systems.

Answer by Ghee
Your children were contagious for days before they broke out - and will continue to be contagious until the sores have scabbed over and healed. Benadryl can help with the itching - (do not overdose, as it can decrease respiration's) -follow dosage recommendations. Tylenol for fever and pain. The little bumps are called pustules and have a little fluid in them - anywhere that fluid gets - another pustule will break out - including on someone else! Try to keep them form scratching - and it may make scars - esp on the face - and keep their hands washed -(different cloth for each-disposable wipe is best) -
don't' bath them together or let them sleep together - so they don't infect one another -
It may take 7-10 days for the pustules to scab and dry up -
Keep them hydrated ( lots to drink) -and bland food (not spicy) -as they can have pustules in their mouth and throat as well.
Good luck keeping them entertained - (lots of movies, games and books.)

Answer by mama_sayed
They last about a week. When all scabs are dry, they are no longer contagious. I found that warm oatmeal baths were soothing, and I gave my kids Tylenol to help them relax and to keep fever under control. I found nothing to stop my sympathy itch, though.

Answer by TTC #1 for 2.5 years
When I had chickenpox at 7 years old mom just made me take an oatmeal bath every day until it was gone. It usually lasts about 2 weeks and once your kids get it the chance is very slim that they will get it again as adults. I've never gotten chickenpox since catching it at 7.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).
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Orignal From: just found out that my little boys have the chicken pox's.?

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