
Moms have you ever been exposed to chicken pox during pregnancy?

Moms have you ever been exposed to chicken pox during pregnancy?Well I'm currently TTC my second child. I don't know yet if I'm pregnant, but just 1 week ago I did the baby dance right during ovulation.

So today I had to do my field experience for teaching in an elementary school, and there was a chicken pox outbreak in kindergartners. I was working with 5th graders though.

I already got chicken pox as a child. But, what's the probability that I could catch chicken pox during pregnancy considering I have already had chicken pox in the past?

Answer by Missy Moo
It's not 100% positive that you could get them, but the chances of catching it are very slim unless you had them when you were very small, then they might be a little greater, but still slim.

If you are worried about it call the doctor's office and ask the nurse.

Answer by Waiting for Landon James!
You can't catch it again if you already had it. The odds are insane that you would, its less than half a percent if I remember correctly and its only if you had it in VERY early childhood and it was extremely mild.
I am a mom to be and DID have chicken pox and shingles in my pregnancy, I got shingles at 12 weeks til 13 then at the worst part of it I ended up with chicken pox and I had never had it as a child and always thought I was immune to it because I never did have it as a child but was always around children that did. If you call your OBGYN that delivered your first baby, they most likely would have given you the blood test to tell if you are immune or not, if I were you just to ease your nerves, give them a call then you will be able to know for sure. I am sure you are fine though...good luck on the second little one!

Give your answer to this question below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: Moms have you ever been exposed to chicken pox during pregnancy?

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