
My 15 month old had her chickenpox vaccine 8 days ago. Now I think I have chicken pox. That possible?

My 15 month old had her chickenpox vaccine 8 days ago. Now I think I have chicken pox. That possible?I have small rash-like bumps on my leg are almost sore, not so much itchy. I had chickenpox thought when I was in 2nd grade, so I don't know if this is shingles maybe instead? My daughter seems OK...she's had some red splochy marks on her face we've been attributing to dry skin though tonight she had a single bump above her lip. What do I do? I don't have a doctor yet. Not sure if I should stay home from work or not either.... (as much as I'd love an excuse not to go to work, I have to tomorrow for an important meeting...) Argh!

I should add, my mom, who has had shingles before, is coming to visit tomorrow. I don't know what to do.

Answer by Michelle
I don't think you can get the chicken pox from the shot.

Answer by Ethel
It's rare for a baby to have skin eruptions from the chicken pox vaccine, but not unheard of. My youngest got chicken pox sores in his eczema sites around his ankles and wrists, and the doctor told me that we should hold off on his 2nd shot until he was 7 or 8 because of this. I asked if he could make anyone else ill, and she told me only someone with a compromised immune system (like organ transplant recipient, pregnant woman, etc...) So, yes it's possible that is what happened - BUT you just got re-inoculated and so did your mom (with the shingles) so you should be fine, you will have a reprieve against shingles, and so will your mom.

Answer by Nymphetaminegirl
Sometimes after getting a certain vaccination you can get symptoms of the disease. It helps them immune to it. So you're probably just breaking out to something else.

Answer by StarsNeverRise
Yes it's possible. You may have come in contact with the vaccination.
When both my sister and I got our chicken pox vaccines when we were young, we both got chicken pox a few weeks later.

Answer by thecat_didit
It is possible, but not super likely. Plus if you and your child are already getting sores, you aren't contagious anymore. It is the fever period beforehand when you are contagious.
You can get chicken pox from the vaccine. You just wont get them as bad as if you didn't have the vaccine to begin with.
As for you catching them, that is possible as well. I have had chicken pox 4 times. I just never got a strong enough case of them to become immune. So, If your daughter had the fever, you could have caught it as well. But, if I recall correctly, most sores will show up on the torso before anywhere else.
I would just ask the doc in the morning. But, I would think you could still go to work. And if your mom is coming over, show her and ask if it is shingles.
I hope that helped!!! :) Good Luck!

What do you think? Answer below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).
Do you find what you need? Look here!

Orignal From: My 15 month old had her chickenpox vaccine 8 days ago. Now I think I have chicken pox. That possible?

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