
Im in my mid-twenties and have never had the Chicken Pox. I was just exposed 1 week ago.....?

Im in my mid-twenties and have never had the Chicken Pox. I was just exposed 1 week ago.....?Ya, i have never had the chicken pox and i am in my mid-twenties. My friends kids, (all 3 of them), have the chicken pox. She brought her kids over to my house, and one of them gave me a huge. Its not her fault, she didnt know i have never had the chicken pox.

But anyway, i have been dealing with a cold, or flu, or something like that. Since i was exposed to the Chicken Pox, my symptoms have tripled and i feel horrible. Could this be because of the exposure to Chicken Pox?

Answer by moonguardianluna
If you have never had Chicken Pox, but have been given immunization, there is a high chance that you might have caught it. However, just because you have had Chicken Pox does not mean that you could catch it again. Either way I suggest that you go to the doctor's office.

Answer by meggs4
Possibly. Definitely start looking for bumps, but I would also suggest having a good conversation with your Dr about what you should do now that you have made it this far without them. The older you are, supposedly the worse and more dangerous they are for you. (Not that 20s is too old!) However, getting them at 80 could be deadly.

Answer by beau
dont go near chickens medicine sooothe with ice

Answer by Wesley O
As others have said, it's quite possible you were infected with the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), commonly known as Chicken Pox. The symptons are somewhat flu-like, and it's never comfortable.

As always, consult your doctor if anything gets worse, or if you don;t develope the sores.

Answer by Ganesh
Hey if you never had the chicken pox before then there is a high probability that you have been infected. A person who has chickenpox can pass it to someone else by coughing or sneezing. When he or she coughs, sneezes, laughs, and even talks, tiny drops come out of the mouth and nose. These drops are full of the chickenpox virus. It's easy for someone else to breathe in these drops or get them on his or her hands. Before you know it, the chickenpox virus has infected someone new.
If a person already has been infected an antibody is created automatically by the blood cells and it fights against the disease so there is a negligible chance for that person to catch this disease again. But if the person is still not infected he has 80% probability to catch the disease when he/she come in contact to an infected person. Also check whether any blisters are forming on the stomach or chest. If yes you are infected.

What do you think? Answer below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: Im in my mid-twenties and have never had the Chicken Pox. I was just exposed 1 week ago.....?

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