
Parents who did not give the chicken pox vaccine?

Parents who did not give the chicken pox vaccine?Are you hoping your child catches Chicken Pox naturally? If so, how will you go about doing this with the majority of children being vaccinated? Is it just a thing you 'hope' happens, or do you have some sort of plan?

Answer by She Is My Sunshine!
I initially was not going to get my daughter the vaccine. Then I tried to think about how to handle it. I had chicken pox 2 times. Once as a toddler it was a very mild case and my mom thought we got lucky. Then at 12 I got it again, it was ugly I was out of school for 3 weeks. They were in my eyes, mouth and ears, all over. So I realized I did not want to put my child through that since I personally had such a hard time with it. I caved, got her the vaccination about 6 months ago and all is well.

Answer by Saint
Do not be silly. There is no plan on how to get the kids infected with chicken pox. If the kid is not vaccinated, just be cool. The virus is there, and it's just a matter of chance when one gets it. Even people who were vaccinated also get it in a few cases but it's mild in their case. Otherwise also this is not a life threatening disease, but the kids have less severity of it than the adults. It would be your kids luck if he gets while he is young or may be when he is adult, and actually he may not get it at all during all his life. I got it when I was 35, still alive and kicking and the kids at home also got it at the same time ( they actually infected me), but the youngest of the kid, who actually got it first had absolutely no problem and I had the most, but they were not which an adult can not take. It was more like irritating than any threat.
So stop worrying, no plan to follow and nature will take its course.
If you kid is still in the age group where he can still be vaccinated then talk to your doctor and get it done.

Answer by Education is the key
I had a shocking case of chicken pox when I was a preteen. Complications. Ended up in hospital. More complications. On-going problems as an adult because of those complications. It's unfortunate that I was so unlucky because prior to that I was very robust. After wards my immune system was shot. Most parents think of chickenpox as harmless but it scares the shite out of me. Both of my children have been vaccinated. I wouldn't hope that any child catches chicken pox just on the off chance they end up with complications.

Answer by Melyssa
I did vaccinate mine, but I have heard of chicken pox parties where if one child in the communtiy gets it some moms bring their kids over for a playdate in hopes of catching it and getting it over with. It was in tv.. in like dateline etc few years back.
Most cases are pretty mild, but sometimes a perfectly healthy child might develop lifethreatning complications and you never know if your kid will get them or not so better safe than sorry I think.
But now I found out that they need to keep on getting boosters for it because its not as effective as they thought .I'm kinda pissed about that.

Answer by Dawn
Yes, people can "plan" this. When I was a kid, I remember going to "chicken pox parties". When one person got chicken pox, parents would invite other kids over so everyone would catch chicken pox and just get it out of the way. I went to several such parties and never caught chicken pox, but as an adult I had a titer that was very high, indicating that I do have immunity. Somewhere along the line I did have chicken pox.

I tried the same with my kids, but eventually caved to pressure to vaccinate. About a year after my kids had the chicken pox shot, I came across a home schooling group that was talking about a chicken pox party. I missed our opportunity by not waiting long enough.

Chicken pox has never been a serious disease for kids, the only fatalities and most hospitalizations have occured with adults. Usually it's more of an annoyance because its so uncomfortable and parents have to miss work to stay home.

Some people still do not vaccinate. You find this more with some religious groups, like Jehovah's Witnesses and some conservative protestants. For some reason, a greater proportion of home schoolers seem unvaccinated too. This could be a place to look for people who still want to contract chicken pox.

What do you think? Answer below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: Parents who did not give the chicken pox vaccine?

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