
Where can I find a list of infectious control doctors located in or around Little Rock, Arkansas?

Where can I find a list of infectious control doctors located in or around Little Rock, Arkansas?I am a 25yo w/f with recurring breakouts of shingles. I have consulted 3 doctors in my home town, and they have all aggreed that there is nothing that can be done, there is no cure. I have researched my situation over and over and have came to find out that there are many treatment options. I must find an infection control specialist before I can take this any further. If you don't know what shingles are... they are very painful blisters that follow you nerve endings and carry the chicken pox virius,and it is caused by a virius that is left in your system from chicken pox. the slightest stress or to worry about anything and I break out in these very painful blisters. It really concerns me because I have a 9month old son and when I break out I am not allowed to be around him, because he is to veronuable to get the chicken pox. if you can help in anyway i thank you.

Answer by Kat
i have the same thing for over 15 yrs now.. the old meds didnt work but my dr put me on acyclovir 800 mg. taken one tabdaily for 5 days per occurance. he gave me extra for when it happened. you have to catch it on the first signs of it.. for me its that little itch that starts mine. i have shingles several times a year. and now i have this med its worked great. stopped it right away this time.. yes its a chicken pox that lays dorment and comes back as a shingles later in life. talk to your dr about that med and see what he says.. its worth it.. good luck

Answer by christnp
'Infectious control' is about procedures to prevent the transmission of disease, not about treating disease.

I'd suggest contacting the University of Arkansas Medical School (http://www.uams.edu/) to find a doctor with experience with recurrent shingles. There are antivirals that can be used preventatively, and you might also need to get checked out to see if you are immune suppressed and why.

What do you think? Answer below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: Where can I find a list of infectious control doctors located in or around Little Rock, Arkansas?

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