
Reaction to Chicken pox shot?

Reaction to Chicken pox shot?My now 1 year old got the vaccine a little over a wk ago. Yester day we noticed what looked like a few misquito bites on his leg before bed. We were out side and even though I saw no bugs it was not that odd. Well when he got up they were covering his legs, now before bed they have covered about 75% of his body. Even his penis. They do not have a blister and they start out as a red bump, like a bug bite. most of the bumps have gone down but there are still big red blotches. He is not complaining nor has a fever. I am planning on calling the dr tomarrow but I wanted to know if this could be from the vaccine? Also he had an ear infection and they gave him amox for it. Could that be the cause, never had this reaction before from amox. Any ideas or sites with poss pics. All he chicken pox ones don't look like it.

Answer by Rae's Momma
Go in ASAP. I had an allergic reaction to that shot and blacked out. The EMT said if we had waited a little longer I could have gone into a coma. I never got bumps, I was throwing up while I was blacked out so if he throws up definetly hurry and take him in.

Answer by Ethel
It's the virus coming out of his skin. My youngest had the same thing with pox coming out where he had eczema - his ankles and wrists. Call the doctors, don't infect anyone while he has pox (I mean don't take him to an ER or to the doctor's office) and delay his booster until he's older then the recommended age (4 years).

Answer by double_frick
i would consult your doctor, if you weren't warned this could happen then it probably isn't typical...
if it isn't it should be reported as an adverse reaction and monitored...
best of luck to him, poor little guy.

Answer by Amber
My daughter got a mild case of the chicken pox from the shot, but with him being on amox at the same time I would call the doctor first thing in the morning and get him in to make sure it is not an allergic reaction to the medicine. I am highly allergic to antibiotics and do not mess around with anything that might even be a reaction.

If there is a kids hot line in your area I would call them and see if they think it is bad enough to go to the ER.

Answer by ♥Lanaz Mamma♥
the same thing happened to my daughter a week after the shot she had what looked like chicken pox covering her body. i took her into the doctor and he said it is a normal side effect it lasted only a few days i took her in on a friday and he said if it is stil there on monday bring her back in and they would do a culture. by monday they were almost gone so i did not bring her in. but my daughters doctor did say it could be contagious so dont bring him around other babies or old people.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

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