
Vaccines....? Please only serious answers. Not rude...?

Vaccines....? Please only serious answers. Not rude...?My son goes for his 12m shots tomorrow, but I don't want him to get all of what he's supposed to right now. I don't want him to get chicken pox yet (don't see the need right now, he doesn't go to day care or anything so he's not around lots of people) I also want to get the MMR vaccince seperated and given at different intervals. Has anyone else done this (changed the vaccine schedule that the doc's usually give? Could you tell me why or why not? Thanks, I just want to get all the info before I totally make my decision.
I want to seperate the MMR to basically reduce the potentian risk it carries. I know he'll end up getting three shots instead of one, but I don't like the fact that they get multiple shots at a time. I just changed docs and with the last one , felt like I had no control over it but want to change that. There are some with Aluminum in them and I want to make sure he doesn't get an overload of that either. I don't want him to have any more than two shots at a time, period. Just b/c I feel thats enough at a time. So should I call the doc today and see what they say about the shot being seperated? OH and BTW, the chicken pox vaccine is only STARTED at 12m. They do not get it before they are 12m. And I just don't see the need to protect them till they are teens and then they'll get it worse than if they are younger. Or they'll be more suseptible to it later, where if they had it at a younger age, they'd be immune for life.

Answer by Glenna
Uh.... he's been getting those vaccines long before now. The chicken pox has probably been administered since his 2 month shots or 4 month shots. As for the MMR, just simply ask if they'll split it up for you. My two older children have always been given their MMR shot at intervals. Its the way our military base does it.

**I'm looking at my 7 month old sons vaccination schedule and he's already received his chicken pox (with no adverse reactions). Perhaps different doctors offices administer it at different times. *shrug*

Answer by Darcy
I've always gone by the schedule and just had my 5 year old in for his shots recently. He received a 2nd varicella vaccine because they have come to realize that only one shot is not enough to provide the level of protection that they were going for. I went on the advice of my doctor as to vaccinate for that in the first place. As far as the MMR, I'm not sure if they can separate it because it is given as one shot. I've never really thought about it, but I always assumed they only carried it that way. Is there any particular reason you want to change it? The benefit to combining is less shots to give in the long run. None of my boys ever had a problem with any vaccine they've been given. I do know that there is a certain amount of controversy surrounding some of the shots and their safety or even necessity. Whatever you decide, good luck!

Answer by dolly
Babies DEFINITLY get too many shots at one time. I think its a great idea to have the vaccinations split up, its not nearly as hard on their immune system. The chicken pox vaccine is a load of crap, it protects the children for a few years while they are young, and then wears off and leaves them succepitable to the disease when they are older and its much more potent and potentially deadly. I'd rather my kids got the chicken pox while they are young and able to fight it off in a few days rather than get it when they're older and have it 10 times worse!

Answer by neato1975
If you want the MMR separate, you probably will not be able to get them tomorrow as most peds do not have them on hand and have to special order them.. your insurance may not cover the cost of them separately and it will cost significantly more (not that that is a reason to not do it, if that is what you think is right...just giving you the info).

Answer by Ed'sJungleGirl
I agree that they get too many shots at once. Luckily, my drs have always agreed (there are good drs out there). We slowed down the schedule. They only got one shot at a time about 3 mos apart. I didn't separate the MMR, but they didn't have any shots at the same time as that one. I never did the chicken pox vaccine. I didn't trust it, still don't. My dr.s not giving it to his kid either.

Give your answer to this question below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: Vaccines....? Please only serious answers. Not rude...?

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