
What kind or brand of guava tea should i drink for chicken pox for chicken pox treatment?

What kind or brand of guava tea should i drink for chicken pox for chicken pox treatment?and when should i drink guava tea for chicken pox treatment and how often please? i did a research on the internet and it says that guava tea can help it faster healing and pox mark reduction when drinking guava tea, but they did not said when, how often and what brand is recommended? help me please.thank you!

Answer by Touscents
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Answer by Stefan Hall
Hey, I'm not too sure about guava tea (probably find the best quality and organic one available) for Chicken Pox. But, I do know there are many other natural remedies and methods you can use to help cure Chicken Pox fast and relieve itchiness right away.

For a fantastic Chicken Pox Treatment, I recommend you check out this website:


It's all about how to cure Chicken Pox in 3 days or less. All natural and safe. Also proven to work for adults and children of all ages... check it out. :-)

Good luck!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: What kind or brand of guava tea should i drink for chicken pox for chicken pox treatment?

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