
Are vitamins good for preventing chicken pox?

Are vitamins good for preventing chicken pox?I was in contact with someone 2 days ago who found out later that day she was breaking out with chicken pox. Medical personnel advised us that the vaccine would not work now and we should get vitamins A, E, C and B complex tablets to build our immune systems.

Can anyone else back this up?

Answer by *Chloe...x*
How old are you?
Theres a chickenpox vaccine?
Why don't you want chicken pox?

I would think that the vitamins wouldn't really help that much. if you get it you get it.

Answer by Shams
because she already having chicken pox there is no need for vaccine now vaccination are advised before infection occurs to prevent having the problem eating a healthy diets now full of vitamins and also resting is good to help rebuild of immunity system

Answer by Crystal
If you have not had the chicken pox, you should get the vaccination anyway to keep from getting the pox in the future. Taking those vitamins will help build your immune system, but so will taking other antioxidants such as Q10. There are other foods that are high in antioxidants such as pomegranates and blueberries.

Give your immune system a boost by getting plenty of sleep at night, taking vitamins and eating healthy whole foods -- and stay away from the cheap, processed carbohydrates and if you're not feeling well, go and see your doctor.

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Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).
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