
Chicken pox in adults?

Chicken pox in adults?I may have gotten chicken pox( I am 28). What is the treatment? I feel ok other then the annoying spots everywhere, can I still work? exercise? I still have to go to the doctor but I want to know what I am in for. thanks.

Answer by JulzPA
Chicken pox is really annoying and anyone who never had it as a kid can catch it from you, it really contagious. so unless you find out from all you co-workers if they had it or not you should stay away. There is no cure or treatment for chicken pox, the doctor will just give you a cream that will sooth the itching and that's about it. sorry, feel better

Answer by dove
stay away from people until it is all gone...it transfer to other people in the beginning of it ,and the end when the scabs starts coming off..
don't be close to anyone who has not had it..put calamine lotion on it.
you might get a fever..it takes about 14 days to go through your system..ask your doctor everyone is different..
if there is an indian store where they sell fresh herbs,go ask for neib leaf,put it on the bed,make sure the sheets are old and sleep on it ...
it will reduce the itching and hives too..good luck..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

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