


Single or Taken: single :(

Happy about: selling my guitar, buying 2 more

Siblings: 1 brother, 2 sisters

Eye color: greenish blue

Shoe size: 14 but i can squeeze (you know what they say about people with big feet, eh?)

Height: 6'3"

What are you wearing right now: some PE shorts and a t-shirt that says life is crap on it.

Best place to go for a date: Gojira concert, lol


Kind of pants: COMMANDO
Number: 777

Animal: katydid

Drink(non alcoholic): mountain dew

Sport: rugby

Month: june

Juice: pina colada (seriously, look for it)

Favorite cartoon character: Eric Cartman


Given anyone a bath? myself

Bungee Jumped? no, plan on it

Made yourself throw-up?: yea

Gone skinny dipping?: not yet

Eaten a dog?: not yet...lol

Loved someone so much it made you cry? ...maybe

Broken a bone?: yea, my arm

Played truth or dare?: who hasn't

Been on a plane?: ya, a little bit

Been in a sauna?: yea, smelled funny though

Been in a hotub?: of course

Swam in the ocean?: yea

Fallen asleep in school?: yea, my teacher got pissed too

Ran away? tried, got caught

Broken someone's heart?: yea, she hates me now

Cried when someone died?: no, most funerals i go to are for elderly cousins i have not seen until funeral day.

Cried in school?: i was kicked in the nuts, excuse-srickin-me for shedding a tear

Fell off your chair?: twice a day

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: no, i am the eone who calls

Saved AIM conversations?: you can?

Saved e-mails?: yea, i had an ad on craigs list and it says to save the email.


Your good luck charm?: my ring

New fav. song?: NEW? No One Wished to Settle Here by Mouth of the Architect

Last thing you ate?: buffalo wings at culpeppers

What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?: dandruff


Chicken pox: nope, got a shot

Stitches: yea and they still itch, even after they were taken out

Broken nose: thank God, no


Believe in love at first sight?: never thought about it...wait, lemme think............sure

Believe in long distant relationships?: nope

Like school?: i did until it was all boys

Who was the last person that called you?: Tim (dan)

Who was the last person you slow danced with?: lol my drunk aunt at the family xmas party

Who makes you smile the most?: smiling is for goth kids

Who knows you the BEST?: my parents?

Do you like filling these out?: actually, yes. as long as the questions apply to me.

Do you like yourself?: i have had better days

Do you get along with your family?: HA no


Obsessive Compulsive?: hell yea i cant listen to an underoath song without having to listen to the entire cd

Suicidal?: i hope not.


What did you do yesterday?: woke up at 1, played xbox 360, played guitar, went out to eat

Gotten any awards?: define "award"

What car/truck do you wish to have?: 1984 Honda Civic

Where do you want to get married?: a drive-thru, lol

Good driver?: unless you count for speeding and running red lights, yes.

Good Singer?: never sang, dunno.

Have a lava lamp?: used to, but i broke it.

How many remote controls are in your house?: around 6 o7 per tv

What was your last dream about?: its a long story...basically i was a pirate on a freight ship.

Chocolate or Vanilla?: RACIST!

Skiing or Boarding?: skiing, havent done boarding (we are talking about snow, right?)

Summer or winter?: Summer

Silver or Gold?: gold is worth more

Diamond or pearl?: diamond is worth more

Pepsi or Coke?: pepsi

Coffee or sweet tea?: coffee

Phone or in person?: in person, phine sex is definitely not as good.

Are you oldest, middle or youngest?: i am what some call "elderly"


1. Talk to someone you liked as in love?: does family count? if not, no

2. Buy something?: lunch

3. Fly?: for about a half-second

8. Talked to an ex?: nope

9. Miss someone?: always


10. Slept in your bed?: YOUR MOM

11. Last person who saw/heard you cry?: i dont remember the last time i cried, to be honest

12. Made you cry?: im not going to tell you

13. Went to the movies with?: family

15. Said "I Love You" to you: parents...lol no love life here

16. Ever been in a fight with your pet?: yea, guess who won?

18. Been to Mexico?: órale, no

19. Been to Canada?: yea, twice. and DAMN! those canadians are crazy

20. Been to Europe?: not yet, going within a year or 2

21. Do you have a crush on someone right now?: yea

22.What book are you reading?: apparently, this questionairre

23. Best feeling in the world?: well...

24. Future Kids names?: Otep

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: hell yea i sleep with an inflatable dora

27. Favorite sports to watch?: ughh, i hate

Answer by soccerx49er

Single or Taken: single, but not for long so it's all good :)
Happy about: almost new year!
Siblings: 1 brother, 2 sisters
Eye color: light blue
Shoe size: a little stalkerish
Height: ^
What are you wearing right now:this white shirt with stuff on it... light blue skinny jeans and black converse
Best place to go for a date: where ever my date wants to go :) im an indecisive person.. lol


Kind of pants: jeans
Number: 56.5
Animal: giraffee
Drink(non alcoholic): red creme soda
Sport: soccer
Month: August
Juice: guava... lol jk
Favorite cartoon character: hate cartoons...


Given anyone a bath? my dog
Bungee Jumped? no
Made yourself throw-up?: eww no
Gone skinny dipping?: nope
Eaten a dog?: thats evil! no way
Loved someone so much it made you cry?well I thought I loved them... I guess things change
Broken a bone?: yea, my arm 4 times
Played truth or dare?: yup
Been on a plane?: ya multiple times
Been in a sauna?: yea
Been in a hotub?: of course
Swam in the ocean?: yea
Fallen asleep in school?: yea, it was just study hall though
Ran away? nahh
Broken someone's heart?: yea, she hates me now
Cried when someone died?: just my mom... everyone else was just elderly family member and i didn't know then well enough to actually cry..
Cried in school?: yup
Fell off your chair?: that remimds me of this morning... lol
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: no, if they havent called by then, I will call them
Saved AIM conversations?: yup
Saved e-mails?: yea

Your good luck charm?: I have a lucky wristband
New fav. song?:dont have 1...
Last thing you ate?: starburst!
What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?: ehh I just steal my sisters herbal essences.. lol

Chicken pox: nope, got a shot
Stitches: yup... twice
Broken nose: no

Believe in love at first sight?: nope
Believe in long distant relationships?: nope
Like school?: yeah..
Who was the last person that called you?: Danny and Jenna.... 3 way call... lol
Who was the last person you slow danced with?: gosh... so long ago.. my ex.. lol well just last month..but still... feels so long ago
Who makes you smile the most?: probably Zack
Who knows you the BEST?: my sister... sadly lol.. or my ex.. but who wants to talk about her?
Do you like filling these out?: yeah they are long and obnoctious!
Do you like yourself?: ehhh.. 8/10
Do you get along with your family?: most of it..


Obsessive Compulsive?: nope
Suicidal?: ehh naww


What did you do yesterday?: woke up... came on here...played x box....played guitar...wrote a song...went to borders....talked to people...
Gotten any awards?: tonzzz
What car/truck do you wish to have?: don't care really
Where do you want to get married?: wherever she wants to get married :P
Good driver?: pshh... no lol... maybe if i actually tried.
Good Singer?: been told that.. idk
Have a lava lamp?: I broke it... lol.
How many remote controls are in your house?: like 10 ish
What was your last dream about?: stuff in my life..

Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla...
Skiing or Boarding?: skiing, havent done boarding
Summer or winter?: Summer
Silver or Gold?: Silver
Diamond or pearl?: diamond
Pepsi or Coke?: coke
Coffee or sweet tea?: coffee
Phone or in person?: in person,
Are you oldest, middle or youngest?:oldest!


1. Talk to someone you liked as in love?:yeah.. family and friends!
2. Buy something?: yup... food.. and a birthday gift for a friend
3. Fly?: well.. I jumped in the air and stayed there for about 3 nano seconds if that counts...
8. Talked to an ex?: nope
9. Miss someone?: always

10. Slept in your bed?: me...
11. Last person who saw/heard you cry?:Jenna
12. Made you cry?: this person...
13. Went to the movies with?: Adele...Zack
15. Said "I Love You" to you: i dont remember
16. Ever been in a fight with your pet?: not a physical fight..lol
18. Been to Mexico?: nope
19. Been to Canada?: nah
20. Been to Europe?: yeah...only cause I have some friends in england

21. Do you have a crush on someone right now?: yea
22.What book are you reading?:Speak...lol
23. Best feeling in the world?: who knows
24. Future Kids names?: dont know yet
25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: lol nope
27. Favorite sports to watch?: for some reason...volleyball..lol

Answer by nybabyblu
wow i have no life. haha here:

Single or Taken: single

Happy about: winter break

Siblings: 1 brother

Eye color: brown

Shoe size: 9

Height: 5'5''

What are you wearing right now: pjs and a shirt

Best place to go for a date: somewhere by the ocean


Kind of pants: pjs

Number: 2, 10, 3

Animal: panda, nudibranch

Drink(non alcoholic): iced tea

Sport: football

Month: august

Juice: cranberry grape

Favorite cartoon character: that's a tough one. toss up between lisa from the simpsons or butters from south park


Given anyone a bath? myself

Bungee Jumped? not yet

Made yourself throw-up?: yeah

Gone skinny dipping?: not yet

Eaten a dog?: no haha

Loved someone so much it made you cry? yes.

Broken a bone?: nope

Played truth or dare?: yepp

Been on a plane?: yes

Been in a sauna?: yes

Been in a hotub?: yes

Swam in the ocean?: yes

Fallen asleep in school?: yes

Ran away? nope

Broken someone's heart?: yes

Cried when someone died?: yes

Cried in school?: yes

Fell off your chair?: all the time

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: nope

Saved AIM conversations?: yes

Saved e-mails?: some


Your good luck charm?: dont have one.

New fav. song?: look who's talking by BoA, just dance by lady gaga

Last thing you ate?: ice cream

What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?: h&s/garnier


Chicken pox: nope

Stitches: yes

Broken nose: nope


Believe in love at first sight?: nope

Believe in long distant relationships?: not anymore =/

Like school?: sometimes

Who was the last person that called you?: tri

Who was the last person you slow danced with?: ryan =) at my friend's sweet 16...unless you count the dane with josh at my other friend's sweet 16 XD

Who makes you smile the most?: G

Who knows you the BEST?: G

Do you like filling these out?: yeah

Do you like yourself?: meh

Do you get along with your family?: yes


Obsessive Compulsive?: at times

Suicidal?: nope


What did you do yesterday?: chill, work, out with friends

Gotten any awards?: yes

What car/truck do you wish to have?: i'm good with my jetta

Where do you want to get married?: somewhere close to home

Good driver?: hahahahaha. why don't you step into my death trap...err i mean car...and find out

Good Singer?: meh

Have a lava lamp?: nope

How many remote controls are in your house?: 5?

What was your last dream about?: =X

Chocolate or Vanilla?: swirl!

Skiing or Boarding?: havent done either

Summer or winter?: Summer

Silver or Gold?: silver

Diamond or pearl?: pearl

Pepsi or Coke?: reg pepsi, diet coke

Coffee or sweet tea?: both

Phone or in person?: in person

Are you oldest, middle or youngest?:oldest


1. Talk to someone you liked as in love?: nope

2. Buy something?: yes

3. Fly?: sure.

8. Talked to an ex?: nope

9. Miss someone?: always


10. Slept in your bed?: me

11. Last person who saw/heard you cry?: idr

12. Made you cry?: josh...

13. Went to the movies with?: i dont remember...tri, tina, G?

15. Said "I Love You" to you: tri

16. Ever been in a fight with your pet?: O_O i always fought with my goldfish till it died.

18. Been to Mexico?: nope

19. Been to Canada?: yes =)

20. Been to Europe?: yes

21. Do you have a crush on someone right now?: yes

22.What book are you reading?: nothing atm

23. Best feeling in the world?: love

24. Future Kids names?: jude alexander...didn't really think of the rest XD

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: yes.

27. Favorite sports to watch?: football on tv, baseball in the stadium.
oh and boys. they're a fun sport to watch as well XD

Answer by ~Stabbing The Drama~
Single or Taken: Recently single....

Happy about: see above :)

Siblings: 1 older brother

Eye color: brown

Shoe size: 9-10....I got big feet...lmao

Height: 5'10

What are you wearing right now: pink sweatshirt with 'Moosehead Lake' on it....and black capris sweat pants

Best place to go for a date: I am always open for anything....haha


Kind of pants: Guess Jeans

Number: 2

Animal: Pug

Drink(non alcoholic): Water

Sport: Quading....that counts to me :)

Month: July

Juice: 1/2 cranberry 1/2 lemonade....delicious

Favorite cartoon character: ummm......can't think of one....lol


Given anyone a bath? myself

Bungee Jumped? nope....I am adventurous though, so maybe one day

Made yourself throw-up?: yup, cause I felt like crap

Gone skinny dipping?: yeah....haha...good times :)

Eaten a dog?: lol, nope...can't say I have

Loved someone so much it made you cry? yeah

Broken a bone?: yup....both of my wrists at the same time....mega-ouch

Played truth or dare?: hellz yeah

Been on a plane?: yeah, but flying in airplanes is my biggest fear...

Been in a sauna?: nope

Been in a hotub?: yeah

Swam in the ocean?: hellz yeah

Fallen asleep in school?: almost

Ran away? nope

Broken someone's heart?: yeah, my last boyfriend

Cried when someone died?: yeah

Cried in school?: yeah

Fell off your chair?: yeah...lmao :)

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: yup, but they have always called :)

Saved AIM conversations?: nope

Saved e-mails?: hellz yeah


Your good luck charm?: My hair....I love it...lol :)

New fav. song?: "Asphyxiated and Inflammable" by myGRAIN

Last thing you ate?: Chicken sandwish

What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?: Curlz Rock :)


Chicken pox: yeah

Stitches: yeah....pillow fight with my bro...face went right into corner of table, missed my eye by a centimeter....

Broken nose: nope


Believe in love at first sight?: yeah....I love 'love'

Believe in long distant relationships?: anything is possible

Like school?: yeah it's ok

Who was the last person that called you?: My best friend

Who was the last person you slow danced with?: My best friend

Who makes you smile the most?: My friends, family, the people I work with :)

Who knows you the BEST?: my mom and my best friend

Do you like filling these out?: yeah its always fun

Do you like yourself?: for the most part, I am very proud of who I am :)

Do you get along with your family?: yes, very much so


Obsessive Compulsive?: not really

Suicidal?:not at all


What did you do yesterday?: woke up at 2 in the afternoon, hung out with my best friend, went shopping and random fun sh*t

Gotten any awards?: ummm....not that I can think of

What car/truck do you wish to have?: I love my car...Scion XB...but if I had a dream car it'd be a mustang convertible

Where do you want to get married?: next to a lake, somewhere serence and scenic

Good driver?: hellz yeah, except I have a tad bit of road rage....haha

Good Singer?: I don't know, but it's not gonna stop me....lol

Have a lava lamp?: nope

How many remote controls are in your house?: a ton....haha

What was your last dream about?: Making out with a complete stranger...really weird...haha

Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla....I ain't no racist, though....haha

Skiing or Boarding?: Snowmobiling...lol

Summer or winter?: Summer

Silver or Gold?: Silver

Diamond or pearl?: Pearl

Pepsi or Coke?: don't drink soda

Coffee or sweet tea?: coffee

Phone or in person?: in person :)

Are you oldest, middle or youngest?: youngest..I am 17, my bro is 25


1. Talk to someone you liked as in love?: yup

2. Buy something?: car wash...lol

3. Fly?: nope...haha

8. Talked to an ex?: not today, thankfully :)

9. Miss someone?: very much so


10. Slept in your bed?: me

11. Last person who saw/heard you cry?: at work, I had a tinsy meltdown...lmao :)

12. Made you cry?: This troll I work with, cause she is a super bitch...but I made her cry more after what she did to me

13. Went to the movies with?: my ex-boyfriend

15. Said "I Love You" to you: Mom and brother

16. Ever been in a fight with your pet?: nope...haha

18. Been to Mexico?: the border yes, but it scared me...lol

19. Been to Canada?: nope

20. Been to Europe?: nope

21. Do you have a crush on someone right now?: hellz yeah

22.What book are you reading?: none

23. Best feeling in the world?: love

24. Future Kids names?: Hunter and Willow

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: nope...haha

27. Favorite sports to watch?: motorcross....if that counts :)


Answer by Rocker Kidd
Single or Taken: single :(

Happy about: The boots I got for Xmas

Siblings: 1 sister, 1 brother, 1 brother-in-law

Eye color: greenish brown

Shoe size: Depends, sometimes 9w and other times 10w

Height: 5'8"

What are you wearing right now: A t-shirt with a peace sign on it

Best place to go for a date: Never been on one, so I wouldn't know


Kind of pants: Ripped up ones (but not the kind that you buy ripped up, that's for preppy posers)

Number: 6

Animal: Wolf

Drink(non alcoholic): Citrus flavored SoBe

Sport: Fencing

Month: July

Juice: Grape

Favorite cartoon character: Buttercup (from the Powerpuff Girls)


Given anyone a bath? No one other than me

Bungee Jumped? Not yet!

Made yourself throw-up?: No

Gone skinny dipping?: If so, then I don't remember

Eaten a dog?: Ah! Never!

Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Love? What is this 'love' you speak of?

Broken a bone?: Nope

Played truth or dare?: Yup

Been on a plane?: A few times

Been in a sauna?: Nah

Been in a hotub?: Yes

Swam in the ocean?: Si

Fallen asleep in school?: Yeah, and yet I still maintain a B average!

Ran away? Probably, can't remember

Broken someone's heart?: Doubt it, no one's ever really liked me

Cried when someone died?: No, and I got called a bunch of names because of it

Cried in school?: Probably, can't remember

Fell off your chair?: Yeah, damn gravity!

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: No one ever calls me :(

Saved AIM conversations?: Nope

Saved e-mails?: Probably, can't remember


Your good luck charm?: My clock necklace (people call me the flavor flav girl, even though my clock actually works)

New fav. song?: I guess Gamma Ray by Beck

Last thing you ate?: M&Ms

What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?: I'm not sure, it looks purple if that helps


Chicken pox: Nope, got a shot

Stitches: Nah

Broken nose: No, but I gave this dude one once


Believe in love at first sight?: Nah, that kind of stuff if for chick-flicks and my life is a comedy.

Believe in long distant relationships?: Nope, never

Like school?: Probably, can't remember

Who was the last person that called you?: Michael, my little brother

Who was the last person you slow danced with?: Musicians don't dance

Who makes you smile the most?: Fat people falling down

Who knows you the BEST?: Whoever installed that hidden camera in my room.

Do you like filling these out?: It's better than being pushed into a puddle of mud

Do you like yourself?: Sometimes

Do you get along with your family?: I'm a teenager, of course not!


Obsessive Compulsive?: No

Suicidal?: Doubt it


What did you do yesterday?: Nothing interesting

Gotten any awards?: Just two trophies, one for debate and one for a science fair (I'm such a nerd)

What car/truck do you wish to have?: One of those old hippie vans from the 60's

Where do you want to get married?: I laugh at the concept of marriage

Good driver?: I guess so?

Good Singer?: Yeah

Have a lava lamp?: Yeah

How many remote controls are in your house?: Too many

What was your last dream about?: I think it had something to do with superheros and The Ramones

Chocolate or Vanilla?: Strawberry

Skiing or Boarding?: I'm from Texas, me and winter sports go together like a caveman and an iPod!

Summer or winter?: Summer

Silver or Gold?: Either

Diamond or pearl?: Diamond

Pepsi or Coke?: Pepsi

Coffee or sweet tea?: Neither

Phone or in person?: In person, electronics can't substitute good ol' human contact

Are you oldest, middle or youngest?: Middle child


1. Talk to someone you liked as in love?: Nah, I haven't seen her since June

2. Buy something?: No, I'm too cheap

3. Fly?: Yes, I sprouted wings a bit after breakfast and flew to San Antonio for no reason

8. Talked to an ex?: No, I don't have any

9. Miss someone?: Yeah


10. Slept in your bed?: Dust mites

11. Last person who saw/heard you cry?: Just me


13. Went to the movies with?: I can't remember the last time I went to the movies

15. Said "I Love You" to you: I don't say "I Love You"

16. Ever been in a fight with your pet?: No

18. Been to Mexico?: Yep

19. Been to Canada?: Never

20. Been to Europe?: Yeah, but I was too young to appreciate it

21. Do you have a crush on someone right now?: Probably, I'm not too sure

22.What book are you reading?: Animal Farm, Punk: The Whole Story and The Giver

23. Best feeling in the world?: I probably haven't experienced it yet

24. Future Kids names?: Kids? Why the hell would I want those?

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Yeah, it's a rabbit.

27. Favorite sports to watch?: Football I guess

Add your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).


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