
chicken pox how do you stop the itch?

chicken pox how do you stop the itch?My son has chicken pox
Does anyone know a home remedy to help stop the itch for tonight just so he can get some sleep?

I will go to the chemist tomorrow and get some anti itch cream I would go now but they are shut so are the Doctors. We just need some help NOW he's so miserable please help.
My son is 9 I was so hoping he would get this when he was younger - his spots seem more painful than itchy

Answer by angel94
my mom use to take oatmeal, wet it and then spread it on me

Answer by DAVID S
anything cooling may help but keep the spots dry so mebe a well wrapped freezer block?

Distraction may also help, try a favorite story and a warm milky drink to get him off to sleep.

Answer by Foxy lady
Hi this site is very good take a look :)


Answer by aalnle
If you have some, use calamine lotion! It worked for everyone in my family.

Answer by haylee
i took an oatmeal bath
that really helped =D

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).
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Orignal From: chicken pox how do you stop the itch?

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