
Red Itchy bumps on my body- what are they?

Red Itchy bumps on my body- what are they?Ok, on Nov 26th (thanksgiving), I started to notice an itchy rash on my stomach right below my breasts. I thought it was hives because I am under a LOT of stress (family legal issues, family health problems, wedding planning, fiance out of work, holidays, trying to quit smoking, etc). That night I noticed I had bumps that looked a lot like mosquito bites only some of them were smaller and itched worse than a mosquito bite. I still figured they were hives. But then the next day my sister said she had them too. Our mom said it was the "three day measles" so I looked that up. I did have some symptoms- same kind of bumps (although not very many, probably only 10-20) and a few nights before I'd had a low grade fever and swollen glands but I have been immunized, just like the rest of the USA so I should not have them. But I was worried because measles can cause birth defects and I work with a pregnant woman. Monday morning I went to my family doctor and he took one look and said chicken pox- it's impossible to have measles. The problem I have with that diagnosis is this- I still have them two weeks later, I'm still getting new ones, they are mostly on my stomach and breasts with a few strays on my legs and arms. I had chicken pox when I was 9 and I remember them well. These bumps don't have a blister or pimple like head. They are just itchy bumps. They only scab over if I scratch them till they bleed (usually in my sleep as I try to take benedryl and put on aveeno anti-itch cream with calamine and oatmeal. I thought they were going away about a week ago but a couple days ago, I got more new ones in the same place they started. I've been watching my diet, soaps, etc and can't think of anything new that could be causing contact dermatitis. I do have two cats but have been always told that fleas don't live in our climate here (it's been around 20 below lately) and if it was fleas, wouldn't my kids and fiance have them and wouldn't my cats be itchy? They are rather large bumps in some places to be fleas and I read that flea bites are oozy. Can you get this kind of rash because of stress? What else can I do to make them stop?
Also wanted to add- these are not scaly, rough or blistery. They are very sparse- maybe 30 of them at the most all over. Already looked up scarlet fever- that was my supervisor's diagnosis- but don't fit symptoms. I sleep next to my fiance and he hasn't got it. My sister also has not passed hers on to anyone. We don't live together. I believe hers have gone away.
also, there have never been any on my face or neck or armpits (my sister had one in her armpit though) or groin area.

Answer by alianna_hodiya
it sounds like scarlet fever.

Answer by Keshia
i would get a second opinion. sometimes doctors are quick to diagnose without really knowing everything. my friend had scabies over the summer and she had annoying bumps like that. maybe something to bring up. i would def get checked out though if its a continuing problem

Answer by A1
Have your sisters healed first? then perhaps she got a lower dose of ??? or has a stronger immune system.


I truly hope you will quickly find a 'good' physician that will give you solid short and long term advice, and after you do it - the advice will keep you and yours healthy and strong for a lifetime.

My best to you,

PS –After many years of needless sufferings with my own skin problems until I learned some long term advice from a 'good' physician, I have finally come to understand that better non-toxic micro-nutritional absorption in the gut and occasional fastings actually heals our bodies for the long term, rather than just covering up a serious nutritional deficiency with lotions and meds until the lotions and meds will no longer work. I have also become severely allergic to antibiotics that for me cause Urticaria-hives, and petrolatum based skin creams that have caused serious pains and large swellings in my lymph glands.

IF YI, this is a more detailed report I recently posted for another who had a malady that eventually affected their skin.
><3> http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091205115824AA6K1DP <+><

I hope I might have helped a little. <3

Give your answer to this question below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: Red Itchy bumps on my body- what are they?

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