
how contagious is SHINGLES? (CHICKEN POX VIRUS)?

how contagious is SHINGLES? (CHICKEN POX VIRUS)?Can we have our 10 month old baby around my grandmother who is getting over shingles? She still is in a lot of pain, but I think they are pretty much cleared up. any suggestions?

Answer by Mary G
very I don't have any suggestion but just bath your baby and keep your baby away from her and call your doctor.

Answer by kimandchris2
Are shingles catching?

Yes. Shingles can be spread from an affected person to children or adults who have not had chickenpox. Instead of developing shingles, these people develop chickenpox. Once they have had chickenpox, people cannot catch shingles (or contract the virus) from someone else. Once infected, however, persons have the potential to develop shingles later in life.

Shingles are contagious, to persons that have not previously had chicken pox, as long as there are new blisters forming and old blisters healing. Once all of the blisters are crusted over, the virus can no longer be spread.

Answer by SwatDoc
If the lessions on your Grand Mother are all " crusted over ", she should no longer be contagious. However to be on the safe side, those who have not been expoded to, or immunized against " Chicken Pox " probably should avoid close contact. If you have questions, ask for Medical Advice in your area.

Answer by LoVeLy
I don't think I would let my baby near her if I was you. Has your daughter already had chicken pox?? Because if she hasn't had them before she may get them if she was exposed to your grandmothers shingles. Take her to her pediatrician and explain the situation and see what the doctor says, medical advice would be needed just to be on the safe side.

Answer by Renal
If your child has had chickenpox, then there's absolutely no problem, unlike many viruses VZV doesn't mutate and thus, immunity is retained for life.

If your child has not had the chickenpox then there is a reasonable risk that it could pick up the virus from it's great-grandmother, obviously this depends on the level and duration of contact - the longer and closer it is, the higher the risk. However, for an unknown reason, children are much less likely to be infected by an adult as they are by another child.

A 10 month old is slightly younger than the traditional age range of 1-6 years but should not be expected to suffer more or be at higher risk of complications than any other child who is infected with VZV.

Give your answer to this question below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

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