
Need to induce labor at 36 weeks 3 days, please what can I do?

Need to induce labor at 36 weeks 3 days, please what can I do?Please don't be negative I know my body and I have really done everything in my power to carry this baby up to now. Was in hospital at 34 weeks with chickenpox. I am very uncomfortable and in pain and I have a family as well as 9 little newborn puppies to look after. I am at the end of the rope! My first pregnancy I carried till 34 weeks, I was induced in hospital and had a painful natural birth but my baby was born healthy at 2869g. My gynie said that this baby has matured enough and he expects it any time from 36 weeks. What can I do, have tried sex, Castor oil and nipple stimulation. I get contractions but nothing further, don't want another hospital induction and must go to gynie again tomorrow. Scared, and I know my baby is ready.

Answer by Krissy
If your baby was really ready to come it would be coming now. Be patient.

Answer by baby on board
try walking a lot.

good luck

Answer by Amanda Nicole
give it time. don't rush things.

Answer by Lee
If your baby is ready then he or she will come on it's own. Hang it there, the end is rough but it should be over soon.

Answer by Marilyn B
Don't be a fool to try and induce labor yourself. Talk to your OB/GYN. You may have had a negative experience previously but won't this time. Best wishes!
P.S.--Some doctors will perform "elective inductions" -- in other words, they will induce labor if the mother wants it for non-medical reasons. However, this isn't always the best option because inductions do come with risks.
Inducing labor is not like turning on a faucet. If the body isn't ready, an induction may fail and, after hours or days of trying, a woman may end up having a C-section. This appears to be more likely if the cervix is not yet ripe. Too, a potential risk of inducing labor, as in your case, would be giving birth to a late pre-term baby that is actually only 34 or 35 weeks old. Have you considered that? Due dates are estimates.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: Need to induce labor at 36 weeks 3 days, please what can I do?

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