
How long should chicken pox scars stay?

How long should chicken pox scars stay?I had chicken pox last year and i still have scars. I try to drink 8 cups of water a day and i put oils (cocoa butter, scarzone etc). I also have these weird bumps that appeared after my chicken pox lesions were gone. They look like chicken pox but aren't itchy or anything. They are really weird and i want to get rid of them.

Answer by Janell T
If you scratched your chicken pox you will have those scars for life.I still have a few on my stomach and I had mine when I was 4 and am now 46.

Answer by Candian Mami =)
theyre prob permanent. i have a little indent right in the middle of my forehead from the chicen pox i got got when i was in grade 2 and im 18 now.

Answer by Docmaggot
In general, any scars that persist more than 6 months after the wound heals are permanent.
They still tend to improve for many years... but very slowly, and only incompletely.

-ENT MD x30y

Answer by fifi
I had chicken pox when I was 9. I still have scars and I'm 30.

What do you think? Answer below! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

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