
Im really in a bind and need advise?

Im really in a bind and need advise?Im starting classes again in about a month and a half. I have a one year old daughter who for the most part is covered. The main problem right now is she does not have health insurance. Its going to be getting cold soon and along with the cold comes, fevers, coughs, colds, not to mention the little kid diseases you get along the way. be it chicken pox or ringworm etc. Here is my dilemma. I have not filed for child support. I feel like now I have too because I cant afford my daughter medical on my own. My ex is furious that I want to fill out the public assistance forms and put his name down. He knows they will come after him for child support. I really dont want to cause him any grief but Im also not going to risk my daughters health. He has not been the best at providing for her, and he is a very selfish person. I know if the opportunity came to hurt me he would take it in a heartbeat. He has done so many times before, I still dont wish him any kind of struggle, but this is something that has been eating away at me. What should I do. Its been a year of me supporting her virtually by myself. He pays childcare every other week and will buy her pampers. In addition he gets her everyday after work and keeps her until 8 at night. So how can I figure out a fair parenting plan without causing too much trouble for him.

Answer by Adrian


Answer by Quixotic
It seems to me that he is already paying child support in some way for his daughter. He's paying half the daycare and buying diapers and picking her up and keeping her every evening until 8pm.

Answer by Bri's mommy
He pretty much is paying child support since he keeps her every day and helps out with day care and diapers. Child support is for just that...to support the child. Maybe talk to him about getting ur daughter covered on his health insurance so she has coverage. But i do not think you should take him to court for child support. He is doing for her and helping you out as well.

Answer by iyamacog
Don't worry about causing him a problem. He's the daddy, and needs to step up to the plate. Not only provide you with child support, but medical insurance for his child as well, via his employment. Pampers just doesnt cover it. Consult with an attny....which would be a nominal fee, and worth every cent! He can pick up the child care.....or pay you alimony. That's why you need to consult with an attny. Get ALL the facts....
Best Wishes...♥♥

Answer by Teresa A
Actually you have a few avenues at your disposal. You can go to support enforcement. They will go after him for child support and it will be taken out directly from his earnings. Or as you mentioned sign up for Public Assistance. Your daughter is eligible it sounds for medical. As you may be as well. The reason he is so dead set against this solution is that he won't be able to give them a song and dance as to why he can't afford more. He is not playing fair with you. You owe this to your daughter as well as to yourself. It's his responsibility to help contribute. It should be an equal contribution but it rarely is. What you need to do is draw up an agreement with him for shared custody. I suggest that you both agree with it and if possible to get it notarized. This will give you both some peace of mind.

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Orignal From: Im really in a bind and need advise?

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