
Is vaccination of newborns is really necessary or there is an hidden agenda behind this?

Is vaccination of newborns is really necessary or there is an hidden agenda behind this?Vaccines first appeared in the world around 18th century, the first vaccine was for smallpox and then came rushing other viral diseases like polio, measles, diphtheria, influenza, mumps, chickenpox, hepatitis A etc and the subsequent vaccines for them, most of these diseases were not present in ancient times. If so there must be some reference to them in ancient scriptures.
Also most of these vaccines contain heavy metals like mercury, thimerosal which has proven to cause mental disorders. There are cases of death and severe brain damage after the consumption of these by newborns. Though these toxic substances have been removed after 2002 in some developed countries like US and UK but what about the developing countries like my country India and others.
I think that these viral diseases are created by the governments covertly, than they offer solution to this problem by these vaccines which prevents these diseases but also causes dumbing down of individuals in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual areas. I do not know what they might be trying to accomplish here may be effective control over population or something else. And now they do not even need to create any diseases because parents are openly accepting these toxins.

Answer by dreaming of a transhuman future
You sound like you've already made up your mind, which is too bad because you are factually wrong on several points. Sadly, you seem to have bought into the anti-vaccination conspiracies hook, line and sinker.

"most of these diseases were not present in ancient times." Absolutely false. They were ALL present in ancient times. You need to broaden your search beyond "ancient scriptures" to historical documents and the medical literature.
"heavy metals like mercury, thimerosal which has proven to cause mental disorders. There are cases of death and severe brain damage after the consumption of these by newborns." Again, completely false. First, the amount of mercury in a vaccination shot is less than what you'd get from eating a single fish. Second, the mercury in thimerosal is ETHYL mercury, which passes through the body harmlessly. METHYL mercury can be toxic, but that is not what is used. Thirdly, the role of thimerosal in causing autism and other mental disorders has been very thoroughly discredited. After removal of thimerosal (as a precautionary measure), there was no decrease in the rate of autism; nor have there been any differences in the autism rate between vaccinated and non-vaccinated children.
"I think that these viral diseases are created by the governments covertly," You are free to _think_ that the moon is made of cheese or whatever you want, but the FACTS AND EVIDENCE say otherwise. Do you have any idea the level of advanced technology needed to create a new virus? Do you really think that such bioengineering has been around for as long as these diseases have?

Because of the misinformation spread by anti-vaccine people like you, childhood diseases that were once under control like measles are making a comeback, and CHILDREN ARE DYING as a result. These are COMPLETELY PREVENTABLE deaths caused by parents who buy into the lies and don't protect their children with vaccinations. Please, please, please educate yourself with the REAL SCIENCE--not anti-vaccination propaganda.

Answer by babysnoopyfan
You are so right, just look at how many people die these days compared to back then.....
oh snap, more people are living...damn those toxins!

Answer by P'quaint!
Yes...it is necessary!

Please do not play with the lives of newborns. As it is, there are many people from a certain religious group in India who are refusing polio drops for their infants and hence risking their lives. Don't start a new propaganda...negating all efforts of good scientists who have saved many a lives by eradicating horrible diseases like small-pox from the face of earth.

Infant mortality had been very high in India...as also women dying in labour. Medical Science has ensured better chances for their survival.

There could be some unscrupulous practitioners, but you can't paint all with the same brush...

Answer by Ratz
People like you deserve to suffer the consequence of your stupid, stupid, wrong beliefs -- but lucky for you I am not that mean.

Answer by Weise Ente
To be blunt, you are wrong. They are old.

Polio is ancient. There are records of Egyptians having it.
Hippocrates wrote about rashes. He clearly realized measles, chickenpox, and mumps were all different. However, he didn't know why they were different.
Diphtheria is hundreds of years old too.
And so on.

There is zero evidence of any harm from thimerosal. That claims has been thoroughly debunked. Many vaccines never had it in the first place.

I don't think you realize how difficult it would be to make a brand new disease. We probably couldn't even do that now.

Add your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: Is vaccination of newborns is really necessary or there is an hidden agenda behind this?

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