
Need to induce labor at 36 weeks 3 days, please what can I do?

Need to induce labor at 36 weeks 3 days, please what can I do?Please don't be negative I know my body and I have really done everything in my power to carry this baby up to now. Was in hospital at 34 weeks with chickenpox. I am very uncomfortable and in pain and I have a family as well as 9 little newborn puppies to look after. I am at the end of the rope! My first pregnancy I carried till 34 weeks, I was induced in hospital and had a painful natural birth but my baby was born healthy at 2869g. My gynie said that this baby has matured enough and he expects it any time from 36 weeks. What can I do, have tried sex, Castor oil and nipple stimulation. I get contractions but nothing further, don't want another hospital induction and must go to gynie again tomorrow. Scared, and I know my baby is ready.

Answer by Melissa
If your baby was ready then he's come out. You are not fullterm until 37 weeks. The lungs may not be matured by now. I'm 21 weeks with a baby that measures big and am as uncomfortable as I was with my first at 32 weeks. It's part of being pregnant.

Answer by Having a Daddy's Girl Soon!!
If you have tried all of those things and nothing has worked.. It looks like your baby just doesnt want to come out yet! Which even though you dont want it.., is fine your baby still has a little bit of time in their left to "cook" I mean whats another couple weeks? I feel like im about to die at 37 wks 4 days but im still here :) Only time will tell only time will tell good luck!

Answer by Danielle C
Mine was 2 weeks late and STILL had to be born by caesarian as after 14 days over 40 weeks the placenta starts dying. I'd just wait and see if I were you, try not to force it.

Answer by echopaterson
i think that if your baby was ready, then he/she would let you know. my doctor told me that once i hit 37 weeks, my baby's matured. you've only got a few more weeks.

good luck!

Answer by carmelskin2007
i can honestly say that my baby is now 3 weeks old i carried him 40.5 weeks, and at 34 weeks i started trying all the things you did, and nothing worked....NOTHING i completely understand how you are feeling, but honestly i would tell your DOC how much pain you are in, cause i did and thats how i got scheduled to be induced at 40.6 weeks but i guess the thought of the induction scared my baby out that night! so really good luck, but i just wanted to tell you the honest truth, if the baby does not want to come then theres nothing you can do about it! but if you go into the office crying saying you cant sleep and have not ate in days, and that you are really depressed then they CAN do and induction no matter what they say, my doc said no at first, the i did this, and suddenly his answer changed! good luck!

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Orignal From: Need to induce labor at 36 weeks 3 days, please what can I do?

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