
Would you judge us for sending a spotty toddler to a party?

Would you judge us for sending a spotty toddler to a party?my daughter has chicken pox and i believe she is no longer infectious as the spots began scabbing over on fri BUT she is due to go to a party in 90min and i don't want other mums/kids thinking i have been irresponsible. the party is in a public place so i couldn't go around and tell everyone she's not infectious and there will probably be pregnant women there too so is it definitely safe to go? she got her first spot last mon and was covered by tues evening....should i cancel or risk it? they are not very obvious but i don't want to spread it around unneccessarily! Any thoughts?

Answer by BeautyBlitz [has twins!]
Err on the side of caution and cancel. Everyone will understand, especially the pregnant woman!

Answer by Alyssa's mommy
Sick children should stay home. If someone does get sick, even if its not with Chicken Pox, everyone will blame you. Stay home.

Answer by RD
don't be selfish, just cancel, no question

Answer by Tonya
To on the safe side I wouldn't go...you don't want to take the attention away from the party...pretty sure there will be someone that will question why you would bring your daughter in that condition and you said yourself you won't be able to go around and reassure them that she not contagious anymore. You know that she is fine to be around others...but they don't. And some people will Judge you no matter what you tell them...

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Chicken Pox - Family Health Guide
Get the facts on the chickenpox vaccine, treatment, causes (varicella zoster virus, VZV), symptoms and signs (itchy, red rash).

Orignal From: Would you judge us for sending a spotty toddler to a party?

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